Health starts with knowing yourself.

You are unique & you have

amazing potential.

Click here to learn your Ayurvedic constitution.
Take Dosha Quiz



Health starts with knowing yourself. You are unique & you have amazing potential.

Click here to learn your Ayurvedic constitution.
Take the Dosha Quiz


Do you wish you could...


Lose weight without dieting or starving yourself?


Your ideal weight can be achieved by focusing on nourishment and self-love rather that deprivation or following lists!



Sleep like a baby and wake refreshed without any drugs?


Your nervous system is talking to you if your sleep is disturbed in any way. Learn how to fall asleep easily, and stay asleep for your best sleep ever!



Have amazing energy every day and age with ease and grace?


Each year can be better than the last. Set yourself up to thrive for the rest of your life!


Hannah Levin


Make your life a Work of Art. I invite you to indulge in Heartfelt Wellbeing. 

I am here to support you to thrive in life with Ayurveda, Mindset, and Personal Health Coaching.


More about me



Did you know I have over 625 yoga classes available on Facebook for FREE?

I teach chair, flow, and gentle yoga. Follow me through the seasons with guidance for each day in these 40 minute practices.

You can also find my classes on YouTube 

Join FB Here

Banyan Botanicals - Product of the Month

April: Pollen Protect

Designed to support seasonal shifts and promote year-round health, this blend of 10 key respiratory herbs has been clinically shown to soothe the discomforts caused by common seasonal irritants and support a healthy inflammatory response so you can breathe comfortably throughout your day.*

  • Comforts the respiratory system*
  • Promotes normal breathing*
  • Supports healthy respiratory function*
  • Promotes optimal health year-round*

Get yours here!

Plus get 15% off your entire order with the code HEARTFELT15

Curious about working with Hannah?


Schedule a Clarity Call to discern which option would be the best for you. 

Schedule Clarity Call

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