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In this “hustle culture” we currently have, it’s just easier to start to work-work-work right away once we wake up. After all, there’s so much we have to do. And with all the current news in our country, it might be extra difficult to prioritize self-care, never mind relax...
As more and more fresh foods come into season, you may be wondering about when to eat raw vs. cooked food.
If you have been following me for a while, or have studied Ayurveda elsewhere, you know that when the weather is cold, we focus on eating warm, cooked foods. This supports the digestive...
"Sorry, there's no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story."
― Morgan Spurlock, "Don't Eat This Book"
As we round the bend into late winter (depending on where you live in the Northern Hemisphere) this is a great time to pay...
“The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.” -Shubhra Krishan
20 years!
That is how long I suffered with chronic allergies, insomnia, constipation, weight gain, and anxiety. And then I found Ayurveda.
Practicing this new-found...
Understanding your unique combination of elements is the key to a healthier you!
Have you ever wished you had been given an "owner's manual" for your specific body and mind? I certainly have. My physical and mental patterns seemed like a mystery to me for a long time. I often felt like I was a...