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Community is medicine! age gracefully community one habit to thrive purpose reflect Oct 16, 2022

Have you ever had the feeling of being totally accepted and celebrated for who you are within a powerful community of like-minded women?
Yes, you! With all your quirks and imperfections!
When we are on an evolutionary growth path, it is crucial to share the journey with others who are...

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Gifts From The Masculine gratitude pitta purpose summer Jun 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day!

Here is a recent picture of my dad, Rob Levin, and me.

He is a glassblower, sculptor, musician, and an awesome father.

My daddy-o also introduced me to herbal medicine, yoga, and using food for healing.

When I was a kid, my dad would make lots of home remedies to heal me...

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Birth - Death. What happens in the dash between? purpose reflection Apr 10, 2022

I hope this newsletter finds you well, enjoying whatever is present in your life in this moment. I have been calling on my practice of Present Moment Awareness a lot lately. Life has a way of distracting us from being right here, right now. I now have a touchstone of a reminder to be present when...

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Thank you for an amazing 2021 purpose reflect Dec 26, 2021

I hope you are having a nourishing holiday time, whatever that means for you.

This time of year can be so varied. It can be a welcome break for relaxation, and it can also be challenging, connecting, lonely, happy, sad, nourishing, frustrating, and sometimes all of these things at once. I am...

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Doors are OPEN! age gracefully healing purpose self-care vitality circle Oct 24, 2021

My mission is to alleviate unnecessary suffering in the world. This is why I have dedicated myself to becoming the best Ayurveda practitioner, Health Coach, and fellow human that I can be. I strive to reach people near and far who are ready to thrive. This is the key to changing our world for...

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Side Benefits vs. Side Effects age gracefully dosha quiz healing one habit to thrive purpose reflect sleep Aug 01, 2021

“The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.” -Shubhra Krishan

20 years!

That is how long I suffered with chronic allergies, insomnia, constipation, weight gain, and anxiety. And then I found Ayurveda.

Practicing this new-found...

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Now that it is summer... mindset pitta purpose solstice summer Jun 27, 2021
I hope you enjoyed the Summer Solstice this past Monday and that you are inspired by the abundance of light that currently fills our days. As I deepen my studies of Yoga and Ayurveda, I am continually brought back to how the elements play such an important role, not just in what we eat but also...
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A Little Listen for Father's Day ayurveda gratitude purpose solstice summer yoga Jun 20, 2021

My father, artist and musician Rob Levin, has been a huge influence in my life. From yoga, natural health explorations, music, and art, he has been one of my greatest teachers.

I was recently interviewed on the amazing podcast Fain House Radio about my life from the perspective of being a...

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Being off, so you can be ON! ayurveda healing mindset purpose reflect self-care stress Jun 06, 2021

I am packing up my sleeping bag, preparing breakfast and getting ready for my second day on the trail. My phone will be turned off and left at home for the entire weekend and my eyes will be taking a break from focusing on a computer screen.  

Evie, my inner efficiency/taskmaster voice is...

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Mentoring From Your Future Self age age gracefully collaboration mindset purpose reflect Aug 11, 2019

Some of my biggest challenges in the work I do are helping people see that they are not stuck in the current reality of their lives, that change is possible, and a very different life is awaiting them if they are willing to make some changes. After working with me, many clients share comments...

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Birthday Reflections anxiety ayurveda energy evolve healing imbalance purpose reflection self-care Apr 21, 2019

On April 13th, I turned 41. I had a wonderful day - breakfast was made for me by my sweetie and his children, who later took me on an outing to Chimney Rock and we got to enjoy gorgeous views and a hike to an impressive waterfall. We met up with my parents and went out for a yummy Indian dinner...

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Reflecting on What's Done age gracefully community evolve purpose reflect self-care vitality circle Jan 13, 2019

Celebrate what happened in 2018

Before we move on from focusing on the New Year, I'd like to invite you to take a look back through the lens of appreciation. And, let's add a little humility and humor into the mix, before we look at the details. I love how this quote from French scholar and...

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My First Blog Post- Get Oily With It! ayurveda purpose self-care vata winter yoga Jan 08, 2017

It's true; other than being a guest blogger on a friend's blog, I have never been a blogger. But today, January 9th, as I embark on 2017 goals to manifest my dreams, all that is about to change. I write blogs all the time in my head, but my new challenge is to put them out into the world. I will...

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