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Balancing Doing With Being ayurveda detox retreat spring Apr 01, 2024

We all learned the principle in physics: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," right?

Knowing this principle of physics is one thing, but how do we apply to our lives?

Here's one way to think about it:

If we are active, achieving, and pushing ourselves, we...

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Springtime Cold Remedy detox medicinal food spring Mar 25, 2024

Springtime colds can be the worst. The damp and chilly qualities of the Earth and Water elements seem to set up camp in the body. The warm sunny days seem to taunt the cold sufferer.

As we know, food can be medicine. So, before you rush out and buy decongestants, anti-inflammatories, or get on...

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Sunrise Supports Your Health autumn detox equinox Sep 25, 2023

Happy Equinox! We had an amazing Autumn Equinox Retreat yesterday. It was such a gift to spend time with those who attended. I love these retreats. They have become real touch points in my year. 

As of yesterday, we are now officially in the Autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere.


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Transformation As We Approach Equinox detox equinox Sep 18, 2023

The Autumnal Equinox is right around the corner. Can you feel the change in the air, the light, and the smells around you? 

Tuning into the shifts in the seasons creates an awareness of the changes that we need to start making in our daily lives as the cooler weather arrives and...

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Summertime "Creamy" Zucchini Soup & Detoxes detox recipes Sep 05, 2023

Make yourself this yummy summertime soup in celebration of you prioritizing your health and wellbeing! 

Summertime "Creamy" Zucchini Soup

1 8-10 inch zucchini (or equivalent) chopped into small cubes

1 cup red lentils (rinsed)

1 cup chopped green (or purple) beans

4 cups water or broth

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Affirmations & Intentions detox equinox solstice Aug 24, 2023

Thoughts are powerful! Affirmations are a wonderful way to work with the mind to create more happiness and health in our lives.

Have you ever tried consciously replacing a persistent, negative thought with a helpful, positive alternative? It can be challenging at first to make our patterns...

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Bountiful, Beautiful Beets detox pitta recipe Aug 07, 2023

I have been loving making this delicious salad as beets continue to come out of the garden all summer long.

Beets are amazing for liver cleansing and blood nourishing. They are a good source of folate, potassium, iron and vitamin C. The sweet taste of beets also provides a cooling effect on...

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Are You Well Adjusted to a Sick Society? detox seasonal wisdom spring Mar 12, 2023

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

This quote has been resounding in my mind for weeks now. I find it to be incredibly poignant.

One of the ways I see that our society is “profoundly sick” is the lack of...

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Spring Detox Awaits! detox spring Feb 20, 2023

As we round the bend of late Winter into Spring, I personally start looking forward to the Spring Detox. I love the lightness, clarity, and ease that it invites into all areas of my life. I also love the community that comes together for the Heartfelt Wellbeing Detoxes.

A detox is a defined time...

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Vata Season Tips = Connection autumn community detox equinox vata Sep 26, 2022

Sometimes we need to feel invited.

Now that it's Autumn (Happy Equinox, this past Thursday!), we all need to be more aware of the effects of the changing seasons, moving from Pitta to Vata predominance in the environment. 

One of the aspects of Vata is feeling separate, alone, and...

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Appreciating Ancestors autumn detox gratitude reflection vitality circle Sep 19, 2022

Autumn is a time for us to harvest the lessons we have learned from the preceding seasons of our lives. 

 It's also a powerful time to honor our ancestors, those who came before us, like our grandparents. 

 Today (September 11) is Grandparent's Day and therefore, I would like...

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Vata Season Tips = Warmth autumn ayurveda detox vata Sep 19, 2022

We had such a wonderful Autumn Equinox Retreat yesterday! I do hope you will join us next time, if you weren't able to this time. Here is a little of what we learned about in our discussion of changing seasons.

Autumn is VATA Season, comprised of the elements Air and Ether (Space). The qualities...

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Ama Leads To Drama! detox digestion imbalance pitta summer Aug 21, 2022

Are you feeling gassy, bloated, or acidic?

As we draw toward the end of summer, digestive strength is weaker and you may find that you are experiencing new digestive issues. 

We all know what gassy feels like (hard to suppress the upward or downward flow of air in the system. Bloated...

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This weed cures Springtime crud chickweed congestion detox liver medicinal food Mar 27, 2022

Allow me to introduce you to this lovely Springtime healer: Chickweed! 

Chickweed grows all over the temperate world. It's so common that most people don't even regard it, as other signs of springtime bourgeon their way up from the soil.

Chickweed contains saponins, plant compounds that can...

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To Detox Or Not To Detox... detox digestion gut health inflammation sleep Mar 20, 2022

By now you probably know that I lead a spring and a fall detox.

What you might not know is how this experience could benefit YOU. 

Let me help you determine if this is right for you to detox!

Ayurvedic wisdom teaches us that doing detoxes in the Spring and the Autumn of each...

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