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Summertime Ease Awaits kapha pitta summer May 28, 2024

For many of us, the last week of May is seen as the beginning of Summer. Schools start letting out, its time for planning vacations, and farmers markets are abundant with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Have you noticed how more fresh food is available now, how the days are growing...

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Millet in the Morning kapha recipe spring vitality circle Apr 08, 2024

It's the eve of the New Moon and Eclipse. Are you feeling it?

I don't have any big insights about the Eclipse or the New Moon at the moment, there are plenty of those out there. What I will say is this: When energies get intense, making sure we are nourished is...

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Honoring Yourself at Every Life Stage equinox kapha retreat spring Mar 18, 2024

As the transition to Spring arrives with the Equinox this week, I am reminded of the phases of the seasons, and also the phases of life that we all journey through. 

One of the Ayurvedic teachings that I love so much is about honoring our life stages. There are four life...

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Where Will We Break to Grow? kapha spring Feb 20, 2024

We have about a month until Spring officially arrives.

Do you feel your energy building with the adding of a few minutes of daylight each day?

If we pay attention, we can feel our sap rising, the vitality juice within us eager for more engagement with the external world. 

Here is a poem that...

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Treat & Retreat! kapha recipe retreat Feb 05, 2024

Happy February!

This is a wonderful month for us to celebrate connectivity, nourishment, and taking action as we embark on Kapha season, the season of Earth and Water.

I am going to Costa Rica next week where adventures will be many, nourishing food will be plentiful, and our community will...

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Give Your Light a Springtime Shine! kapha spring Mar 27, 2023

Try saying this to yourself out loud as an affirmation/intention:

“Fire transform me,

Lead me to my passions,

Fire transform me,

Lead me to my passions,

I choose life, yes!

I choose courage,

To dance among the flames.”

Doesn't that feel amazing?

This is a song we sometimes sing at the...

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Cook an Autumn lunch with me! autumn ayurveda kapha medicinal food pitta recipes self-care vata Nov 06, 2022

Daylight savings got ya feeling wonky?

How about focusing on making some nourishing food to help you get back on track? I will be cooking a yummy Autumn meal as part of the One Habit to Thrive Challenge today. Join me (Facebook, Zoom, or Instagram) at noon EST, and cook along if you'd...

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Gunas to the RESCUE!! ayurveda healing imbalance kapha seasonal wisdom self-care spring Mar 13, 2022

Gunas to the rescue!

Say what????

Many people struggle with this sudden change in the time; it's like waking up in a new time zone.

To help, let's turn to a little wisdom from Ayurveda: The GUNAS

Guna translates as a quality. Ayurveda has 20 Gunas, or 10 pairs of opposite qualities. They...

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Earth Wisdom ayurveda dosha kapha mindset natural flow reflect spring yoga Apr 25, 2021
This past Thursday was Earth Day. Let's honor Earth Wisdom! 
This amazing planet that sustains us, with all of its changing forms and seasons, is truly miraculous. Let's make every day Earth Day!
In Ayurveda, the Earth element (which is predominant in Springtime) teaches us...
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Befriending Kapha ayurveda detox dosha kapha mindset natural flow spring Apr 04, 2021

When people first learn about living in alignment with the seasonal elements in Ayurveda, they are often curious about how they will personally be affected.

The elements in the environment during each season can either challenge or support us. They naturally encourage certain qualities (or ...

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Finding Balance at Equinox ayurveda gunas imbalance kapha pitta vata Mar 21, 2021

We are shifting into longer days than nights starting NOW! This is a brief time of equal balance of night and day, dark and light. How do you balance these opposites within yourself?

Ayurveda is based on 10 pairs of opposites, called Gunas or qualities, that help us create balance. The awesome...

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Sending Love to You dosha gratitude kapha reflection spring Feb 14, 2021

Love by May Sarton
Fragile as a spider's web Hanging in space 
Between tall grasses, 
t is torn again and again. 
A passing dog 
Or simply the wind can do it. 
Several times a day I gather myself together 
And spin it again. 
Spiders are patient weavers....

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Ready for Change? dosha kapha mindset pitta vata vitality circle Aug 02, 2020


Most people don't realize how powerful they are in designing what they can be, do, and achieve. I find that if I sit down and talk with most people, they share a feeling of being stuck in some area of their lives. Limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and...

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Here Comes December ayurveda imbalance kapha pitta reflection seasonal wisdom vata winter Dec 01, 2019

Some of us love the winter months (you pitta predominant people know what I mean) because there is a respite from the heat and so much sunlight. Others of us are challenged this time of year (you Vata and Kapha predominant people know what I mean) because the cold and dark tend to make us...

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When you get "Stopped Up!" Part 2: What to do... ayurveda digestion imbalance kapha meditation pitta stress summer vata yoga Jul 14, 2019

This is the second of a two part series on constipation. If you missed the first part about WHY you get stopped up, please check out the previous BLOG.

Constipation is one of the most widespread, chronic health issues facing people in the US. Although most folks don't like to talk about it, sales...

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