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Cigarettes vs. Sugar? gut health pitta summer Jul 01, 2024

An article by Mark Hyman and Ron Gutman entitled “It’s Time To Treat Sugar Like Cigarettes,” came out in TIME magazine May 1, 2024. This is what I have been saying for years and I am so excited to see this in print in one of the most widely read magazines in the US!


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Raw vs. Cooked Food ayurveda constipation dosha dosha quiz gut health May 22, 2023

As more and more fresh foods come into season, you may be wondering about when to eat raw vs. cooked food.

If you have been following me for a while, or have studied Ayurveda elsewhere, you know that when the weather is cold, we focus on eating warm, cooked foods. This supports the digestive...

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Homemade Microbiome Support gut health spring Mar 06, 2023

Spring is a great time to focus on re-inoculating the gut with living cultures to support a healthy microbiome. Many of us are told to take probiotic supplements, but eating homemade probiotic foods is even better.

"Fermented foods, as a group, are highly nutritious and digestible. Fermentation...

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To Detox Or Not To Detox... detox digestion gut health inflammation sleep Mar 20, 2022

By now you probably know that I lead a spring and a fall detox.

What you might not know is how this experience could benefit YOU. 

Let me help you determine if this is right for you to detox!

Ayurvedic wisdom teaches us that doing detoxes in the Spring and the Autumn of each...

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What your tongue can tell you age gracefully autumn ayurveda detox digestion gut health healing spring Feb 27, 2022

As Spring approaches, it's time for us to do Spring Cleaning. That doesn't just mean clearing out your closets and going through the paper piles that have accumulated in the corners of your home. It also means that it's time to clean out your body. Time for a seasonal detox!

How do...

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Autumn Lifestyle Hacks anxiety autumn constipation dry skin gut health seasonal wisdom vata Oct 17, 2021

I am going to keep preaching the wisdom of the seasons because when the seasons change, we need to change too! It makes a huge difference in how you feel (body mind and spirit).

Amidst all that is going on in our world, there is enough suffering. Why not at least make sure you are doing what you...

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When we get "Stopped UP!" Part 1: Why it happens ayurveda constipation digestion gut health imbalance stress summer travel tips vata Jul 07, 2019

I have received requests lately for more information about dealing with constipation. In today's blog we will dive into why constipation happens, and in part 2 I will provide easy-to-implement solutions.

Although WebMD states, "There is no right number of daily or weekly bowel movements," the...

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