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What Will Support Your Evolution in 2024? ayurveda community digestion dosha self-care vitality circle Jan 29, 2024

Have you noticed there is an owner's manual for the appliances we buy, and even for our cars, but we remain the greatest mystery to ourselves? We are perplexed by our own behaviors, bodies, and experiences.  

This means we know more about how our washing machine...

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Self-Care Reminders self-care vata winter Dec 26, 2023

It's Christmas Eve today. Whether you celebrate this holiday or not, our culture provides us a break during this time, which can bring up A LOT.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of this time of year, perhaps tinged with grief and loss, I want to take a moment to remind you: You matter. You, attending...

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Unexpected Benefits of Healing self-care vitality circle Oct 09, 2023

This is the time of year for reflecting on what we have cultivated and grown into now. If we have intentionally evolved in powerful ways, we can harvest the joy of what has come to fruition. I get to see this process take place all the time for women in the Vitality Circle, the year...

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What the Heck is Dinacharya? autumn ayurveda habit evolution seasonal wisdom self-care Oct 02, 2023

Happy October!

As the weather grows cooler and the nights grow longer, perhaps you are feeling drawn to make changes in how you are living day-to-day.

This is totally seasonally appropriate and is actually part of living an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

Have you heard the word Dinacharya?

Dina- daily...

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Who You Hang with Makes a Difference ayurveda habit evolution self-care May 08, 2023

One of the most powerful teachings from Behavioral Science is that our habits are not our own. We actually have the habits of the 5 people that we interact with the most.

Why is that? Because we are social creatures and we would rather belong to, than stand out from, the tribe. We change our...

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Can you actually change your habits? age gracefully habit evolution self-care weight loss Jan 31, 2023

Want to know how to change your habits? 

Habits are what we repeatedly do, which ultimately create the outcomes in our lives.

Habit triggers are what make our habits actually happen. A list of them can be found above. 

Once you understand how important habit triggers are, you can change...

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Happy New Year! Stroll with me? age gracefully community evolve gratitude habit evolution imbalance natural flow reflection seasonal wisdom self-care winter Jan 02, 2023

2023 is here! How did you choose to ring in the New Year?

The beginning of a year is a great opportunity to invite in a new perspective in by shifting your habits! 

While I am not a big proponent of New Year's Resolutions (or staying up until midnight, lol) as a way to usher...

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Merry Christmas and Start The Year Strolling age gracefully collaboration gratitude healing seasonal wisdom self-care winter Dec 28, 2022

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!

We are in Charleston today with David's family (we do Christmas with the Grimsleys every year because the Levins do Hanukkah - it's fun).

I hope you are enjoying a cozy late December day, wherever you are.

I have a special present for you too. Well, it's a...

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Hanukkah & Solstice Blessings anxiety gratitude healing natural flow reflection seasonal wisdom self-care solstice Dec 18, 2022

The eight nights of Hanukkah begin today at sundown and Solstice is part of that time, taking place in 3 days on December 21 (the shortest day and longest night). Both are celebrations of life and light amidst the darkness. 

I love the story of Hanukkah, which basically boils down to a...

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The 3pm Water Chug age gracefully autumn habit evolution self-care Nov 14, 2022

Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference.

"Simple but not always easy"  might be our motto for implementing new habits amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Autumn is a time when the dry quality becomes more prevalent in the natural world. The...

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Cook an Autumn lunch with me! autumn ayurveda kapha medicinal food pitta recipes self-care vata Nov 06, 2022

Daylight savings got ya feeling wonky?

How about focusing on making some nourishing food to help you get back on track? I will be cooking a yummy Autumn meal as part of the One Habit to Thrive Challenge today. Join me (Facebook, Zoom, or Instagram) at noon EST, and cook along if you'd...

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Vata Season Tips = Balance autumn gunas imbalance self-care vata Oct 03, 2022

Each season carries with it distinct qualities. These qualities show up as descriptive words like Autumn is cool, Summer is hot, Spring is wet.

GUNA is the Sanskrit word for "quality."

As we move into Vata season of Autumn, we will experience more of the qualities, or gunas, of Vata: cold, dry,...

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Sunrise = Energy AND Ease depression habit evolution self-care May 22, 2022

Would you like to feel more energized and positive for your day?

Wake before the sunrise and be outside and present as the world grows lighter. This may sound trivial but it is really one of the most amazing small actions we can take to be healthy and happy humans. It's truly magical. Circadian...

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Grab your towel - it's time for a ginger steam! congestion ginger inflammation seasonal wisdom self-care stuffy nose Apr 03, 2022

Ginger steams are an easy way to help clear out stagnation in your head. The drying and clearing qualities of ginger can work miracles to clear our mucous.

Here are the steps to creating a healing ginger steam.*

  • Place a pot of water with several slices of fresh ginger in it (or you can shred the...
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Gunas to the RESCUE!! ayurveda healing imbalance kapha seasonal wisdom self-care spring Mar 13, 2022

Gunas to the rescue!

Say what????

Many people struggle with this sudden change in the time; it's like waking up in a new time zone.

To help, let's turn to a little wisdom from Ayurveda: The GUNAS

Guna translates as a quality. Ayurveda has 20 Gunas, or 10 pairs of opposite qualities. They...

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