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Meet the Team! vitality circle Jul 08, 2024
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Sleep Hygiene Spotlight! sleep vitality circle Jun 24, 2024

Do you struggle with getting good sleep?

Are any of these struggles familiar to you?

  •  Falling asleep at night?
  •  Waking up between 2-6am?
  •  Not feeling rested in the morning?

Great sleep means falling asleep easily, feeling relaxed and staying asleep through the night (and if you...

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Meet Jane From Maine vitality circle Apr 29, 2024

My dharma (life purpose) is to support healing, naturally, within community. It is a true pleasure to get to know the women who join the Vitality Circle. Today, I want to introduce you to one of these gems: Jane Ahlfeld.

Jane from Maine joined the Vitality Circle in the Summer of 2020...

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Love Being Connected to Earth poem retreat spring vitality circle Apr 22, 2024

Tomorrow is Earth Day! I really love Earth Day because it has been a time of powerful connection for me in the past and I feel like everyday could/should be Earth Day!

Here is a poem to honor the Earth on this day by the fabulous Mary Oliver:

Sleeping in the Forest

I thought the earth

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Invest in Health ayurveda evolve vitality circle Apr 15, 2024

Our Spring detox that started at the beginning of April is trucking right along. We have 48 people doing this 3-week program and experiencing the benefits of a seasonal reset.

We set aside this time to focus on clearing the clutter in our bodies, homes, and minds.

One of the more common issues...

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Millet in the Morning kapha recipe spring vitality circle Apr 08, 2024

It's the eve of the New Moon and Eclipse. Are you feeling it?

I don't have any big insights about the Eclipse or the New Moon at the moment, there are plenty of those out there. What I will say is this: When energies get intense, making sure we are nourished is...

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Embracing Dreams - Live Your Truth retreat vitality circle Mar 11, 2024

“Living the life that cries to be lived from the depth of our being frees up a lot of energy and vitality.” Author Deborah Adele

I used to feel like I never quite fit in; like there was something inherently wrong with me. I had an inner story about how the “real” me...

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What Will Support Your Evolution in 2024? ayurveda community digestion dosha self-care vitality circle Jan 29, 2024

Have you noticed there is an owner's manual for the appliances we buy, and even for our cars, but we remain the greatest mystery to ourselves? We are perplexed by our own behaviors, bodies, and experiences.  

This means we know more about how our washing machine...

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Is Deeper Nourishment for You? recipe retreat vitality circle Jan 22, 2024

The first half of January was filled with two retreats; one in Beaufort, NC and one in Abingdon, VA. Witnessing the transformation in the women who attended both of these retreats was a true honor. I got to see participants settle into a flow of winter nourishment and also...

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Dosa Recipe & Ethel! recipes vitality circle winter Jan 15, 2024

I want to to introduce you to a wonderful woman named Ethel, who is part of the Vitality Circle. In this video, she explains the incredible breakthroughs she experienced during her first year in the Vitality Circle. She loved it so much she signed up for a second year. 

This year is rolling...

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Make January Magical depression vata vitality circle winter Jan 08, 2024

For many, this time post holidays can be really challenging. Many people I have spoken with lately feel like they have been in a funk. We put lots of time, energy, and attention into the holidays and this time of year feels like a trough after a large wave. Perhaps this poem resonates with how...

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Thank You, 2023! ayurveda collaboration gratitude vitality circle Jan 01, 2024

Happy New Year’s!

2023 has been quite a year hasn't it?

Thank you all for your engagement with Heartfelt Wellbeing in 2023! Whether you have invested in one of my programs, come to an in-person retreat, joined me for yoga or an Ayurveda talk, or just looked at my social media posts, I...

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Solstice Blessings solstice vitality circle winter Dec 18, 2023

The Winter Solstice (the longest night and shortest day of the year) is here. The Solstice represents the end of the pendulum swing from light to dark through the solar year. 

Now is a time of dreaming, intuition, planting seeds of intention, resting more, and rebuilding from any type...

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Autumn Sleep Support autumn sleep vitality circle Oct 30, 2023

How is your sleep lately? Is it as deep and cozy as that of the babies in this picture?

Vata season (Autumn and early Winter) can be a mixed bag when it comes to sleep.

The light and ungrounded qualities of the season (think windy nights and dry, crisp air) can lead to heightened anxiety and...

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Meet Ellice ayurveda vitality circle Oct 23, 2023

The Vitality Circle can give you your life back! 

This is what Ellice Curry-Tucker had to say about her evolution in the Vitality Circle (watch the video):

"It’s amazing how much pain prevents you from being able to enjoy life!

I have lost 30 pounds

My cholesterol decreased


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