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Nettles = Allergy Relief allergies healing herbs spring Feb 26, 2024


If you have Spring allergies, starting to drink stinging nettles infusion now will help you a lot.

Stinging nettles were my first herbal ally. When I was in my 20s, I was on lots of prescription and over the counter allergy meds every Spring. A friend of mind suggested I start drinking...

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Winter Wisdom Awaits full moon herbs medicinal food seasonal wisdom winter Jan 13, 2023

We just had the first full moon of the new year on Friday and I hope the glow is resonating within you as you embark on this new calendar year. 

I really appreciate hearing from those of you who have been enjoying the "Stroll vs. Scroll" Challenge. The week of the Challenge has ended but you...

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Medicinal Culinary Herbs for Summer ayurveda digestion herbs medicinal food pitta summer Aug 07, 2022

I am sometimes asked about the difference between herbs for cooking and taking herbs for specific health benefits.

From the Ayurvedic perspective, food is medicine, so whether you are cooking with herbs or taking them as a formula, they can be beneficial to your health.

Summer is governed by...

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Tulsi/Holy Basil digestion energy herbs recipes vata winter Jan 30, 2022

Do you have an herbal ally for the Winter? 

An herbal ally is an herb you can turn to that will help you maintain or regain health. One of the best herbal allies for the Winter is Tulsi, or Holy Basil. 

Grown in the summer, Tulsi can be dried and used all Winter long to support the...

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Travel Part 1: Food/Digestion constipation digestion herbs imbalance pitta seasonal wisdom vata Jun 16, 2019

Travel entails moving rapidly, via plane, train, boat, or automobile to another environment. This movement stirs up Vata (energies of Air and Ether elements). Even though it is Pitta (Fire element) season, if we are traveling we need to focus not only on balancing Pitta, but also on balancing...

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Go Wild With Greens! herbs recipes spring May 05, 2019

Nature is constantly providing the remedies we need for each season. Springtime is when we need to flush out the liver and rekindle the digestive fire. Great concepts, but how do we achieve such goals? Wild greens!

Do you know what wild abundance is growing right outside your door?

Here in the...

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