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The Elements Influence You & Specials autumn ayurveda collaboration detox vata youtube Dec 02, 2024
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and are feeling nourished and connected, and perhaps ready to chill and listen to a podcast. I have one for ya (along with some great Cyber Monday-Friday deals, see below)!
Have you ever wondered why your joints pop more, you might feel more anxious,...
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The Pie Recipe You NEED autumn recipe Nov 25, 2024

This is a recipe I share each year for Thanksgiving, and have made gradual adjustments/improvements to it over the years.

This pie is made creamy by coconut milk, sweetened with maple syrup, and includes wonderful digestive and healing spices. Yet, it's so tasty, you wouldn't know it was so good...

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Grow Radical with Age age gracefully autumn pitta Nov 19, 2024

Aging is a beautiful gift, and yet many of us find it difficult embracing our age, as time marches on.

The current Western obsession with youth is arguably the root of many of our cultural and societal issues. This is a relatively new development in human history, as in our not-so-distant past,...

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Tending Nerves anxiety autumn herbs self-care Nov 11, 2024

As we come off the intensity of the US election cycle and projecting what the results might mean for the future of our country, I decided to put on a different hat of experience to share with you today.

Much of what I offer in my newsletters and programs revolves around habit change, integrity,...

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Time Change/Changing Times autumn mindset self-care youtube Nov 04, 2024

On this day when most of us embark on Daylight Savings Time, the beginning of a week that holds a historic election, and constant reminders of climate change are happening around the world, its hard to not take note of these changing and challenging times we live in.

Looking to Ayurveda and the...

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Tending to Sleep autumn self-care sleep vitality circle Oct 28, 2024

How are you sleeping lately? It's been a challenge for many people I know - the changes in the landscape and all the loss in the Southeast mountains, the coming election, the wars in the Middle East, climate change, loss of loved ones... there is a lot to keep us up at night.

Yet, sleep is when...

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Reflections from David autumn community healing reflection Oct 21, 2024

This is a beautiful and heartbreaking piece written by my beloved partner, David Grimsley who has spent much of the past few weeks in the NC mountains after they were ravaged by Hurricane Helene:

Apocalypse is an interesting word. Despite the somatic feelings and dramatic bleak landscape imagery...

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A Poem For These Times autumn community healing poem Oct 07, 2024

It has been a long and strange week in the continued wake of Hurricane Helene. The new moon was this past Wednesday and it felt like a very ripe time for shifting the energy of shock and pain toward healing. Perhaps we can imagine an evolution of sorts in this time of dire needs and...

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In The Wake Of Helene autumn community healing Sep 30, 2024

I wrote a different newsletter to send out this week, but I scraped it in the wake of Hurricane Helene. I have to be honest, my heart is breaking, and I know I am not alone.

The storm hit us hard in Floyd but we have emerged mostly unscathed, with a couple fallen trees and a little water leakage....

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Autumn Equinox Creativity ancestors autumn detox equinox retreat vata Sep 23, 2024

Happy Autumn Equinox! We had a wonderful Autumn Equinox retreat yesterday - so nourishing with Ayurveda, yoga, drawing, poetry, and community connection. Thanks to everyone who attended. 

The actual Autumn Equinox arrives TODAY, Sunday, September 22, 2024. For those living in the Eastern...

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Connecting to Ancestors ancestors autumn reflection retreat seasonal wisdom vata Sep 16, 2024

It's Vata time of the year (Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere). Following the lead of the natural world, there is an invitation for internal awareness offered in this ethereal season of letting go.

Vata is comprised of the elements Air and Space, and it's during the Autumn when the dry,...

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What Wakes You Up? autumn sleep Nov 06, 2023

This is a picture of my bedside table. While the books might give you insight into what I am curiously and ambitiously learning about 2 pages at a time each night before I fall asleep (lol!), and it is true that I use a purple eye mask every night, what I want you to focus on is something else in...

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Autumn Sleep Support autumn sleep vitality circle Oct 30, 2023

How is your sleep lately? Is it as deep and cozy as that of the babies in this picture?

Vata season (Autumn and early Winter) can be a mixed bag when it comes to sleep.

The light and ungrounded qualities of the season (think windy nights and dry, crisp air) can lead to heightened anxiety and...

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What the Heck is Dinacharya? autumn ayurveda habit evolution seasonal wisdom self-care Oct 02, 2023

Happy October!

As the weather grows cooler and the nights grow longer, perhaps you are feeling drawn to make changes in how you are living day-to-day.

This is totally seasonally appropriate and is actually part of living an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

Have you heard the word Dinacharya?

Dina- daily...

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Sunrise Supports Your Health autumn detox equinox Sep 25, 2023

Happy Equinox! We had an amazing Autumn Equinox Retreat yesterday. It was such a gift to spend time with those who attended. I love these retreats. They have become real touch points in my year. 

As of yesterday, we are now officially in the Autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere.


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