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What Wakes You Up? autumn sleep Nov 06, 2023

This is a picture of my bedside table. While the books might give you insight into what I am curiously and ambitiously learning about 2 pages at a time each night before I fall asleep (lol!), and it is true that I use a purple eye mask every night, what I want you to focus on is something else in...

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Autumn Sleep Support autumn sleep vitality circle Oct 30, 2023

How is your sleep lately? Is it as deep and cozy as that of the babies in this picture?

Vata season (Autumn and early Winter) can be a mixed bag when it comes to sleep.

The light and ungrounded qualities of the season (think windy nights and dry, crisp air) can lead to heightened anxiety and...

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What the Heck is Dinacharya? autumn ayurveda habit evolution seasonal wisdom self-care Oct 02, 2023

Happy October!

As the weather grows cooler and the nights grow longer, perhaps you are feeling drawn to make changes in how you are living day-to-day.

This is totally seasonally appropriate and is actually part of living an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

Have you heard the word Dinacharya?

Dina- daily...

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Sunrise Supports Your Health autumn detox equinox Sep 25, 2023

Happy Equinox! We had an amazing Autumn Equinox Retreat yesterday. It was such a gift to spend time with those who attended. I love these retreats. They have become real touch points in my year. 

As of yesterday, we are now officially in the Autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere.


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Ginger: An Early Autumn Helper autumn digestion medicinal food Sep 11, 2023

As the heat of summer starts to dissipate and the cooler weather moves in, you might notice your appetite returning.

You might also notice that your digestion isn’t working as smoothly as you would like…

Toward the end of the summer, the digestive fire isn’t as strong and we...

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The wisdom of Cranberry (& Holiday Thrival) age gracefully autumn gratitude habit evolution recipes seasonal wisdom Nov 21, 2022

I got so many amazing responses from last week's newsletter, The 3pm Water Chug! What results are you noticing from that simple support of hydration now?

It's almost Thanksgiving here in the US. If you are like me, you are planning and prepping food for the big day later this week. This has...

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The 3pm Water Chug age gracefully autumn habit evolution self-care Nov 14, 2022

Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference.

"Simple but not always easy"  might be our motto for implementing new habits amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Autumn is a time when the dry quality becomes more prevalent in the natural world. The...

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Cook an Autumn lunch with me! autumn ayurveda kapha medicinal food pitta recipes self-care vata Nov 06, 2022

Daylight savings got ya feeling wonky?

How about focusing on making some nourishing food to help you get back on track? I will be cooking a yummy Autumn meal as part of the One Habit to Thrive Challenge today. Join me (Facebook, Zoom, or Instagram) at noon EST, and cook along if you'd...

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Garlic Elixer for Autumn Health autumn one habit to thrive recipes vata Oct 23, 2022

Making your own garlic elixir is a great way to support your health through the Autumn and Winter months. Here is one of my favorite recipes. Garlic elixir is supportive to the immune and digestive systems and is super tasty.  Get your batch going now so it will be ready...

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Vata Season Tips = Balance autumn gunas imbalance self-care vata Oct 03, 2022

Each season carries with it distinct qualities. These qualities show up as descriptive words like Autumn is cool, Summer is hot, Spring is wet.

GUNA is the Sanskrit word for "quality."

As we move into Vata season of Autumn, we will experience more of the qualities, or gunas, of Vata: cold, dry,...

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Vata Season Tips = Connection autumn community detox equinox vata Sep 26, 2022

Sometimes we need to feel invited.

Now that it's Autumn (Happy Equinox, this past Thursday!), we all need to be more aware of the effects of the changing seasons, moving from Pitta to Vata predominance in the environment. 

One of the aspects of Vata is feeling separate, alone, and...

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Appreciating Ancestors autumn detox gratitude reflection vitality circle Sep 19, 2022

Autumn is a time for us to harvest the lessons we have learned from the preceding seasons of our lives. 

 It's also a powerful time to honor our ancestors, those who came before us, like our grandparents. 

 Today (September 11) is Grandparent's Day and therefore, I would like...

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Vata Season Tips = Warmth autumn ayurveda detox vata Sep 19, 2022

We had such a wonderful Autumn Equinox Retreat yesterday! I do hope you will join us next time, if you weren't able to this time. Here is a little of what we learned about in our discussion of changing seasons.

Autumn is VATA Season, comprised of the elements Air and Ether (Space). The qualities...

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What your tongue can tell you age gracefully autumn ayurveda detox digestion gut health healing spring Feb 27, 2022

As Spring approaches, it's time for us to do Spring Cleaning. That doesn't just mean clearing out your closets and going through the paper piles that have accumulated in the corners of your home. It also means that it's time to clean out your body. Time for a seasonal detox!

How do...

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How Nature Nourishes autumn ayurveda gratitude natural flow vata Nov 28, 2021

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

In this time of giving thanks, I want to acknowledge how nature sustains us.

Without the natural world, we could not exist.

Nature sustains us physically by gifting us food and medicine (plants and animals), heating sources, the air that we breathe, the...

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