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Cooling Jar of Chia pitta recipe recipes summer Jul 22, 2024

The Summertime heat can create dryness in our bodies. Internal support for moisture, and a fiber boost for elimination, can be found in this simple dish. Serve this for breakfast or dessert.

Jar of Chia

Fill a 1 quart jar with water or coconut milk.

Leave an inch of room at the top.


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Dosa Recipe & Ethel! recipes vitality circle winter Jan 15, 2024

I want to to introduce you to a wonderful woman named Ethel, who is part of the Vitality Circle. In this video, she explains the incredible breakthroughs she experienced during her first year in the Vitality Circle. She loved it so much she signed up for a second year. 

This year is rolling...

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The Season Of Roasted Roots recipes winter Dec 05, 2023

Happy December! It’s the season of roasted roots in the northern hemisphere.

The cold and dry qualities of Winter can be appeased by us eating more dense, slow cooked vegetables. It’s the season of abundance of sweet potatoes, beets, turnips, and parsnips.

Bake a pan of...

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Summertime "Creamy" Zucchini Soup & Detoxes detox recipes Sep 05, 2023

Make yourself this yummy summertime soup in celebration of you prioritizing your health and wellbeing! 

Summertime "Creamy" Zucchini Soup

1 8-10 inch zucchini (or equivalent) chopped into small cubes

1 cup red lentils (rinsed)

1 cup chopped green (or purple) beans

4 cups water or broth

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Yummy, warm and healthy ayurveda energy habit evolution meditation recipes reflection winter yoga Dec 07, 2022

Happy December!

As we move toward the winter solstice and holidays, staying cozy and nourished will help you navigate this season with ease!

This time of year we need to build our inner vitality, which in Ayurveda is called ojas.

Ojas translates as "our essential vitality sap" which I think...

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The wisdom of Cranberry (& Holiday Thrival) age gracefully autumn gratitude habit evolution recipes seasonal wisdom Nov 21, 2022

I got so many amazing responses from last week's newsletter, The 3pm Water Chug! What results are you noticing from that simple support of hydration now?

It's almost Thanksgiving here in the US. If you are like me, you are planning and prepping food for the big day later this week. This has...

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Cook an Autumn lunch with me! autumn ayurveda kapha medicinal food pitta recipes self-care vata Nov 06, 2022

Daylight savings got ya feeling wonky?

How about focusing on making some nourishing food to help you get back on track? I will be cooking a yummy Autumn meal as part of the One Habit to Thrive Challenge today. Join me (Facebook, Zoom, or Instagram) at noon EST, and cook along if you'd...

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Garlic Elixer for Autumn Health autumn one habit to thrive recipes vata Oct 23, 2022

Making your own garlic elixir is a great way to support your health through the Autumn and Winter months. Here is one of my favorite recipes. Garlic elixir is supportive to the immune and digestive systems and is super tasty.  Get your batch going now so it will be ready...

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Full Moon Ghee ayurveda medicinal food one habit to thrive recipes vata Oct 11, 2022

Tonight is the Full Hunter's Moon, which means it's time to make Full Moon Ghee!!

In Ayurveda, it is said that making ghee on the full moon infuses the ghee with soma, or the nectar of immortality. It makes it us more vibrant and glowing. Making ghee on the full moon can be a beautiful...

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Zoodles and Pesto recipes summer Aug 28, 2022

Happy end of August!

Do you have too many summer squash/zucchini on your hands this time of year? Here is a great recipe to make amazing noodles with squash and a cooling mint pesto.

Zucchini Noodles & Mint Pecan Pesto*

2 cloves garlic
1/2 t. lemon zest
1/2 c. fresh mint
1/4 c. basil
1/4 c olive...

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Let's Do Some Summer Cooking! recipes summer Jul 17, 2022

Quinoa Stuffed Red Bell Peppers

2 red bell peppers
1 c. quinoa
½ c. red onion
¼ c. goat cheese
4 cloves garlic
2 t. tarragon1 t. ghee
1 T. slivered almonds
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  1. In a medium saucepan, add quinoa and 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil....
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Wonderful Weeds: Lamb's Quarters garden lamb's quarters recipes wild weeds Jun 26, 2022

If you have been in this community for a while, you know that I am a supporter of eating weeds for your health and wellbeing and the sustainability of the earth.

Today, I would like to introduce you to my friend, Lamb's Quarters.

Lamb's Quarters thrive in disturbed soil, so they often come up in...

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May Day Nourishing Recipes! one habit to thrive recipes spring May 01, 2022

Happy May!! I hope encouragement and inspiration are blooming around you on this new moon and beginning a new month. Since new moons are a great time to nourish yourself, maybe you feel inspired to try a new recipe?

Springtime is a great time to make seasonally aligned Buddha Bowls. They...

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Tulsi/Holy Basil digestion energy herbs recipes vata winter Jan 30, 2022

Do you have an herbal ally for the Winter? 

An herbal ally is an herb you can turn to that will help you maintain or regain health. One of the best herbal allies for the Winter is Tulsi, or Holy Basil. 

Grown in the summer, Tulsi can be dried and used all Winter long to support the...

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Healthy Holiday Treats evolve recipes vata winter Dec 12, 2021

Does the holiday season feel like a challenging time to make healthy food choices? While it's true that there is often more focus on sugar and alcohol, (and less on vegetables, being outside, and moving our bodies), the holidays don't have to be such an inner battle.

I have some...

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