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Yummy, warm and healthy ayurveda energy habit evolution meditation recipes reflection winter yoga Dec 07, 2022

Happy December!

As we move toward the winter solstice and holidays, staying cozy and nourished will help you navigate this season with ease!

This time of year we need to build our inner vitality, which in Ayurveda is called ojas.

Ojas translates as "our essential vitality sap" which I think...

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Tulsi/Holy Basil digestion energy herbs recipes vata winter Jan 30, 2022

Do you have an herbal ally for the Winter? 

An herbal ally is an herb you can turn to that will help you maintain or regain health. One of the best herbal allies for the Winter is Tulsi, or Holy Basil. 

Grown in the summer, Tulsi can be dried and used all Winter long to support the...

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The Magic Power of the Scarf autumn energy vata winter Oct 10, 2021

"A scarf has to be the most beautiful thing ever invented to wear! It's a winding, a continuity, an infinity! I love things that are endless, I hate them to stop. It's like order and disorder: I rather love disorder and things that move, it's a state where one gets more things done!" Sonia...

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Travel Part 3: Movement ayurveda digestion energy pitta sleep summer vata yoga Jun 30, 2019

This is the third of a three-part series on the topic of traveling, since many of us will be traveling this summer. Part one was about Food and Digestion, Part two was about Sleep and Immunity.

Traveling is challenging for the body because it usually requires lots of sitting and sometime lots of...

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Summer Wisdom age gracefully ayurveda digestion energy natural flow pitta self-care summer Jun 09, 2019

Do you love or dread the heat? Do you tend to get more grumpy in the summer or feel more energized and alive? Do you notice skin issues, looser bowel movements or more acid indigestion this time of year? Do you take on big projects and feel more inspired, focused, and driven? These are all...

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Birthday Reflections anxiety ayurveda energy evolve healing imbalance purpose reflection self-care Apr 21, 2019

On April 13th, I turned 41. I had a wonderful day - breakfast was made for me by my sweetie and his children, who later took me on an outing to Chimney Rock and we got to enjoy gorgeous views and a hike to an impressive waterfall. We met up with my parents and went out for a yummy Indian dinner...

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Be the Change You Wish to See in 2019 age gracefully energy mindset reflection vitality circle Dec 30, 2018

Do you want to create better health, wellbeing, energy, and vitality in your life in 2019? Have you made resolutions in the past that you haven’t been able to stick with? Please don’t give up on having goals, but I suggest you take a slightly different approach as you begin 2019. I...

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Time to Sleep! autumn energy sleep solstice vata winter Dec 09, 2018

Do you frequently wake up between 2-6am? This is a known sleep pattern caused by anxiety, inefficient digestion, and not keeping a regular schedule. In Ayurveda, 2-6 am and pm are governed by Vata whose main function is movement. So perhaps you wake up because you have to pee. Or you wake up...

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