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It's February! Yesterday was Imbolc, the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Crossing the Imbolc threshold feels hopeful because it means Spring is right around the corner.
As someone who used to struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and still mostly dreads...
It has been a long and strange week in the continued wake of Hurricane Helene. The new moon was this past Wednesday and it felt like a very ripe time for shifting the energy of shock and pain toward healing. Perhaps we can imagine an evolution of sorts in this time of dire needs and...
Today, I invite you to pause, close your eyes and listen as I read to you a poem.
Here is it if you want to read it too:
May you remember that you are whole by Emma Tait
May you walk softly between the rows
of the goals and hopes
dreams and experiences
that you have planted for yourself
May you...
Tomorrow is Earth Day! I really love Earth Day because it has been a time of powerful connection for me in the past and I feel like everyday could/should be Earth Day!
Here is a poem to honor the Earth on this day by the fabulous Mary Oliver:
Sleeping in the Forest
I thought the earth
In this time of longest nights, the natural world encourages us to get quiet, to do the inner work to illuminate what is in the shadows and prepare for the coming solar year.
The Winter Solstice offers us many lessons amidst the challenges of our changing world. When we create light in the...