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Laughter IS Medicine community May 06, 2024

“Laughter is healing when it is a spontaneous expression of bliss!” Maharishi Ayurveda

Today is World Laughter Day.

Laughter is a common language. It is healing. It creates bliss.

“Bliss supports the immune system and the endocrine system and balances the heart and mind. If...

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Lunar New Year! Dragontime... ayurveda community retreat Feb 13, 2024

Yesterday was a special new moon Lunar New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year. We are entering the year of the Wood Dragon.

Of all the animals in the Chinese Zodiac, only dragons are mythical. This means we are entering into a year when unprecedented things could happen - where long...

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What Will Support Your Evolution in 2024? ayurveda community digestion dosha self-care vitality circle Jan 29, 2024

Have you noticed there is an owner's manual for the appliances we buy, and even for our cars, but we remain the greatest mystery to ourselves? We are perplexed by our own behaviors, bodies, and experiences.  

This means we know more about how our washing machine...

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Celebrate Friendship community vitality circle Jul 31, 2023

Today is the International Day of Friendship.

Having dear friends makes life so rich, enjoyable, and connective. Friendship strengthens, challenges, and comforts us.

While it is common to have less close friends as we age, studies also show that making new friends as an adult is much...

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Happy New Year! Stroll with me? age gracefully community evolve gratitude habit evolution imbalance natural flow reflection seasonal wisdom self-care winter Jan 02, 2023

2023 is here! How did you choose to ring in the New Year?

The beginning of a year is a great opportunity to invite in a new perspective in by shifting your habits! 

While I am not a big proponent of New Year's Resolutions (or staying up until midnight, lol) as a way to usher...

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Community is medicine! age gracefully community one habit to thrive purpose reflect Oct 16, 2022

Have you ever had the feeling of being totally accepted and celebrated for who you are within a powerful community of like-minded women?
Yes, you! With all your quirks and imperfections!
When we are on an evolutionary growth path, it is crucial to share the journey with others who are...

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Vata Season Tips = Connection autumn community detox equinox vata Sep 26, 2022

Sometimes we need to feel invited.

Now that it's Autumn (Happy Equinox, this past Thursday!), we all need to be more aware of the effects of the changing seasons, moving from Pitta to Vata predominance in the environment. 

One of the aspects of Vata is feeling separate, alone, and...

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Are you willing to feel good? age gracefully community healing vitality circle Mar 06, 2022

How much of the TIME are you willing to feel good?

This is a question I ask myself a lot these days. With so much suffering in the world (including a war raging in my ancestral homeland), and personal struggles arising for all of us from time to time, it can sometimes seem like feeling...

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Reflecting on What's Done age gracefully community evolve purpose reflect self-care vitality circle Jan 13, 2019

Celebrate what happened in 2018

Before we move on from focusing on the New Year, I'd like to invite you to take a look back through the lens of appreciation. And, let's add a little humility and humor into the mix, before we look at the details. I love how this quote from French scholar and...

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