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Love Being Connected to Earth poem retreat spring vitality circle Apr 22, 2024

Tomorrow is Earth Day! I really love Earth Day because it has been a time of powerful connection for me in the past and I feel like everyday could/should be Earth Day!

Here is a poem to honor the Earth on this day by the fabulous Mary Oliver:

Sleeping in the Forest

I thought the earth

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Balancing Doing With Being ayurveda detox retreat spring Apr 01, 2024

We all learned the principle in physics: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," right?

Knowing this principle of physics is one thing, but how do we apply to our lives?

Here's one way to think about it:

If we are active, achieving, and pushing ourselves, we...

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Honoring Yourself at Every Life Stage equinox kapha retreat spring Mar 18, 2024

As the transition to Spring arrives with the Equinox this week, I am reminded of the phases of the seasons, and also the phases of life that we all journey through. 

One of the Ayurvedic teachings that I love so much is about honoring our life stages. There are four life...

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Embracing Dreams - Live Your Truth retreat vitality circle Mar 11, 2024

“Living the life that cries to be lived from the depth of our being frees up a lot of energy and vitality.” Author Deborah Adele

I used to feel like I never quite fit in; like there was something inherently wrong with me. I had an inner story about how the “real” me...

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What Happens When We Gather ayurveda retreat spring Mar 04, 2024

Happy March!

As we enter the month which holds the true beginning of Spring, I am back to work at home in Floyd, VA but still glowing from my time in Costa Rica last month.

The Thriving Alongside Mother Nature: Yoga & Sacred Creativity Women's Retreat that I recently led in Costa Rica,...

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Lunar New Year! Dragontime... ayurveda community retreat Feb 13, 2024

Yesterday was a special new moon Lunar New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year. We are entering the year of the Wood Dragon.

Of all the animals in the Chinese Zodiac, only dragons are mythical. This means we are entering into a year when unprecedented things could happen - where long...

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Treat & Retreat! kapha recipe retreat Feb 05, 2024

Happy February!

This is a wonderful month for us to celebrate connectivity, nourishment, and taking action as we embark on Kapha season, the season of Earth and Water.

I am going to Costa Rica next week where adventures will be many, nourishing food will be plentiful, and our community will...

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Is Deeper Nourishment for You? recipe retreat vitality circle Jan 22, 2024

The first half of January was filled with two retreats; one in Beaufort, NC and one in Abingdon, VA. Witnessing the transformation in the women who attended both of these retreats was a true honor. I got to see participants settle into a flow of winter nourishment and also...

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Amazing Self-Nurturing Opportunities! retreat solstice vata winter Dec 11, 2023

We're approaching the end of the year - a time to reflect, take stock of where we are, and plant seeds of intention for what 2024 will hold.

Tonight is the 4th night of Hanukkah - I have been loving lighting the candles in my menorah (which I inherited from my grandparents) each evening at...

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Time for Sssslllloooowww retreat vata winter Nov 27, 2023

Now that the Thanksgiving holiday has passed, can you sink into the stillness of the season for a bit now and connect deeply within?

Ayurveda teaches us that this time leading up to the Winter Solstice is one of stillness and reflection.

How ironic that culturally we make it one of the most busy...

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Thanksgiving Nourishment retreat Nov 21, 2023

In this week of Thanksgiving in the US, I am grateful for you, and everyone in this community.

May we enjoy the bounty of this time of year amidst the heartbreak going on in our world. It's a poignant time to be alive, and simply being a human each day can feel challenging. During this...

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Will I See You in 2024? ayurveda retreat yoga Nov 13, 2023

A friend recently said to me, "Hannah, you are a vessel maker! You started when you were young making vessels out of clay, and while that has continued, you now make vessels that are transformational containers for women who are blessed to work with you."

This reflection blew my heart wide open....

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