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As the transition to Spring arrives with the Equinox this week, I am reminded of the phases of the seasons, and also the phases of life that we all journey through.
One of the Ayurvedic teachings that I love so much is about honoring our life stages. There are four life...
Happy Equinox! We had an amazing Autumn Equinox Retreat yesterday. It was such a gift to spend time with those who attended. I love these retreats. They have become real touch points in my year.
As of yesterday, we are now officially in the Autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Autumnal Equinox is right around the corner. Can you feel the change in the air, the light, and the smells around you?
Tuning into the shifts in the seasons creates an awareness of the changes that we need to start making in our daily lives as the cooler weather arrives and...
Thoughts are powerful! Affirmations are a wonderful way to work with the mind to create more happiness and health in our lives.
Have you ever tried consciously replacing a persistent, negative thought with a helpful, positive alternative? It can be challenging at first to make our patterns...
Sometimes we need to feel invited.
Now that it's Autumn (Happy Equinox, this past Thursday!), we all need to be more aware of the effects of the changing seasons, moving from Pitta to Vata predominance in the environment.
One of the aspects of Vata is feeling separate, alone, and...
Equal hours of light and darkness. We celebrate the balance of the season and ask all the unseen forces to bless us. For all that is bad, there is good. For that which is despair, there is hope. For the moments of pain, there are moments of love. For all that falls, there is the chance to rise...