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Happy New Year! Stroll with me? age gracefully community evolve gratitude habit evolution imbalance natural flow reflection seasonal wisdom self-care winter Jan 02, 2023

2023 is here! How did you choose to ring in the New Year?

The beginning of a year is a great opportunity to invite in a new perspective in by shifting your habits! 

While I am not a big proponent of New Year's Resolutions (or staying up until midnight, lol) as a way to usher...

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Hanukkah & Solstice Blessings anxiety gratitude healing natural flow reflection seasonal wisdom self-care solstice Dec 18, 2022

The eight nights of Hanukkah begin today at sundown and Solstice is part of that time, taking place in 3 days on December 21 (the shortest day and longest night). Both are celebrations of life and light amidst the darkness. 

I love the story of Hanukkah, which basically boils down to a...

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Yummy, warm and healthy ayurveda energy habit evolution meditation recipes reflection winter yoga Dec 07, 2022

Happy December!

As we move toward the winter solstice and holidays, staying cozy and nourished will help you navigate this season with ease!

This time of year we need to build our inner vitality, which in Ayurveda is called ojas.

Ojas translates as "our essential vitality sap" which I think...

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Appreciating Ancestors autumn detox gratitude reflection vitality circle Sep 19, 2022

Autumn is a time for us to harvest the lessons we have learned from the preceding seasons of our lives. 

 It's also a powerful time to honor our ancestors, those who came before us, like our grandparents. 

 Today (September 11) is Grandparent's Day and therefore, I would like...

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Your Thoughts Are A Powerful Asset habit evolution mindset reflection Jul 24, 2022

Our thoughts are our most powerful assets. What we believe about ourselves, each other, and the world creates our reality.

I used to think this was cliché, and yet the more I experience life and realize my constant choices in how I think, and perceive the world, the more I see it as...

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How do we experience Freedom? ayurveda reflection Jul 03, 2022

Happy 4th of July!
On this day, I like to focus on Freedom and Interdependence. We need each other to truly be free!

As Maya Angelou says,"The truth is, no one of us can be free until everybody is free." 

In a world with so much pain and uncertainty, how can each of us contribute to...

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Birth - Death. What happens in the dash between? purpose reflection Apr 10, 2022

I hope this newsletter finds you well, enjoying whatever is present in your life in this moment. I have been calling on my practice of Present Moment Awareness a lot lately. Life has a way of distracting us from being right here, right now. I now have a touchstone of a reminder to be present when...

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Do you choose Conscious Evolution? age gracefully ayurveda habit evolution reflection vitality circle Feb 06, 2022

"What's changed for me is that I am finally excited about getting old. I am excited about the health and vitality I will have for the rest of my life." - Amy Wood, Vitality Circle Member

You are not the same person you were a decade ago, a year ago, or even yesterday.

There has been a long held...

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Looking back at 2021 and looking ahead age gracefully gratitude reflection Jan 02, 2022

On New Year's Eve, David and I made lists of what we were most proud of in 2021. It was pretty awesome to see that amidst the changes inherent in our current world, we made amazing progress this year. I was very inspired to build a lot this year, spurred by the need for healing, community,...

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Sending Love to You dosha gratitude kapha reflection spring Feb 14, 2021

Love by May Sarton
Fragile as a spider's web Hanging in space 
Between tall grasses, 
t is torn again and again. 
A passing dog 
Or simply the wind can do it. 
Several times a day I gather myself together 
And spin it again. 
Spiders are patient weavers....

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Meditation for Uncertainty healing meditation reflection yoga Jan 10, 2021

In light of the events that transpired this week, it's helpful to tune into the yogic adage: Where attention goes, energy flows. Focusing on energy that heals, not sickening acts of violence, is what will lead us to higher ground.

If you pray or meditate, I urge you to keep going, perhaps...

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Do you believe more in your future or your past? habit evolution meditation one habit to thrive reflection self-care sleep weight loss Jan 03, 2021

Have you ever had a big goal that you weren't sure you could reach? Maybe you have one or two such resolutions right now. T'is the season, right?

Habit Science shows us if we imagine reaching an ultimate goal while continually taking small, committed steps each day towards that goal, there is a...

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Welcoming Solstice ayurveda reflection solstice winter yoga Dec 22, 2019

Yesterday was the Winter solstice - the longest night of the year. Tonight at sundown is the first night of Hanukkah. 

The Winter Solstice is a sacred pause, the moment where we experience the depth of darkness before we start incrementally making our way toward more light, and eventually...

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Here Comes December ayurveda imbalance kapha pitta reflection seasonal wisdom vata winter Dec 01, 2019

Some of us love the winter months (you pitta predominant people know what I mean) because there is a respite from the heat and so much sunlight. Others of us are challenged this time of year (you Vata and Kapha predominant people know what I mean) because the cold and dark tend to make us...

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Birthday Reflections anxiety ayurveda energy evolve healing imbalance purpose reflection self-care Apr 21, 2019

On April 13th, I turned 41. I had a wonderful day - breakfast was made for me by my sweetie and his children, who later took me on an outing to Chimney Rock and we got to enjoy gorgeous views and a hike to an impressive waterfall. We met up with my parents and went out for a yummy Indian dinner...

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