Lunar New Year! Dragontime...
Feb 13, 2024
Yesterday was a special new moon Lunar New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year. We are entering the year of the Wood Dragon.
Of all the animals in the Chinese Zodiac, only dragons are mythical. This means we are entering into a year when unprecedented things could happen - where long standing obstacles may dissolve, or tenacity to figure something out extends to new depths, or what we believed was impossible in the past actually suddenly becomes possible.
As I begin leading my first international retreat in Costa Rica, I am struck by how leading an international retreat seemed like an insurmountable undertaking in the past, and now it is totally happening and all the spots are full!! Costa Rica is a dream come true!
The year of the Wood Dragon is starting so magically, I cannot wait to see what else this year brings!
When it comes to what is possible in our lives, may we keep expanding the horizons, may we feel happier, healthier and more connected, and appreciating all we have yet to learn.
What dragon magic do you see appearing in your life on this Lunar New Year?
With love and light,
ps- Let’s create some dragon magic together this year! Join me for an upcoming retreat! Check out 2024 Events.
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