What Happens When We Gather
Mar 04, 2024
Happy March!
As we enter the month which holds the true beginning of Spring, I am back to work at home in Floyd, VA but still glowing from my time in Costa Rica last month.
The Thriving Alongside Mother Nature: Yoga & Sacred Creativity Women's Retreat that I recently led in Costa Rica, February 10-15, was a dream come true! 16 incredible women joined me for the adventure and we had a truly nourishing time together. Costa Rica in February warmed our bones. We feasted on fresh, local, organic foods. We connected to all the elements through yoga, Ayurveda, and personal practices as our nervous systems relaxed and reset.
Retreats are such medicine for us all during these changing times in our world.
Here are quotes from some retreat participants who attended Thriving Alongside Mother Nature: Yoga & Sacred Creativity Women's Retreat in Costa Rica:
"Hannah Levin provides a full and rewarding retreat experience, starting with morning yoga, flowing through a day of sessions from learning about Ayurvedic principles, to trying out creative practices one finds themselves on a journey of introspection and discovery. Supported in a loving manner, it is a joy to share time with other women and feel the power of sisterhood." - Jane
"The yoga is what I came for and found it perfectly varied. Ayurveda was just a distant idea in my head, but I came to understand it much more. I loved thinking about the elements and paying tribute to them and how they affect us and how we should take time to honor them. Hannah was a constant resource for everyone there on a variety of topics and was always wise in her responses." - Jody
"This retreat experience was unlike any that I ever have participated in!!
In addition to being in such a lovely place, I was able to soak in even more of Hannah's wisdom, guidance and teachings through the lens of Ayurveda and her Yoga/meditation practices. The offerings were very well organized, while leaving time for self-reflection and play ;) I highly recommend these opportunities to everyone and I look forward to additional retreats with Hannah in the future!!" - Jacqui
"If you are thinking of attending a retreat with Hannah, I would say to you PLEASE DO IT! What a great investment! Hannah has a way of making people feel special, heard and important. I am forever changed for many reasons. Hannah created a safe space for a group of strangers to get to know and trust one another and share from the depths of our souls. Hannah led me into a growing relationship with myself. I am more committed than ever to eat better and to be brave enough to start teaching yoga." - Starr
"My overall experience from this retreat was I was totally transformed! I tried things that I had never tried and I was open to new possibilities! The deepening from me learning yoga and how to treat myself with self love was something I have never done in my life! I found a new love for art. I have a new sense of belonging and wanting to try NEW THINGS AND EXPLORE MORE. I can’t wait to have another retreat with Hannah and my soul sisters!" - Faye
"I'm grateful for the experience to have been with this particular group of women. I was able to see and experience myself in a different way, which felt like a gift. I find myself filled with gratitude for this experience and know that I will be continuing to integrate aspects of this experience for some time to come. Thank you, Hannah, for the gift of your facilitation and vision." - Patty
"I got to experience the most beautiful sisterhood and bonding experience.
It was awakening, powerful and healing. A safe space was created and a new family was born. My practices during this enlightenment was exactly what I needed to grow as a person and a woman.
I learned things about myself that I never thought would be possible for me.
I am forever learning new things about myself in all my stages of life. I am giving myself grace in things that are out of my control and allowing myself to be more vulnerable.
I am forever changed.
I am at peace with myself.
I am healing.
I am capable." - Larissa
The retreats I lead are true alchemy for the body, mind, and spirit. The power of women gathering together is a balm our world desperately needs. Check out my Events Page Here.
Since returning from Costa Rica, I am even more excited now to lead the Honoring the Mother (Earth and You) Retreat at Gray Bear Lodge in TN in May.
This retreat is for all women, not just mothers. It is focused on connecting to Mother Earth and the mother energy within each of us. You are certainly welcome to attend with your mother or daughter, or friend, or come alone. We can connect you with a roommate if you desire to share a room.
Gray Bear is a lovely site for us to gather and it inherently supports authenticity, clarity, and ease (so in alignment with what we do in this community).
At this upcoming retreat we will celebrate the feminine wisdom from the Earth and what emerges as growth from each woman who is present.
We will connect through yoga, song, time in nature, writing, Ayurvedic wisdom, and weaving the metaphorical fabric of community with each other.
You will leave with a deeper connection to yourself and the Earth. This will show up in a calm nervous system, clarity on next steps you want to take in your life, and many new practices and tools to support you in living your daily life more vibrantly.
Learn more about the Honoring the Mother Retreat HERE. Feel free to send me questions, if you have any.
Will you be joining us? I sure hope so.
With love and light,
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for health and happiness.