The wisdom of Cranberry (& Holiday Thrival)
Nov 21, 2022
I got so many amazing responses from last week's newsletter, The 3pm Water Chug! What results are you noticing from that simple support of hydration now?
It's almost Thanksgiving here in the US. If you are like me, you are planning and prepping food for the big day later this week. This has me thinking about how the Thanksgiving meal works from an Ayurvedic perspective and reflecting on how awesome cranberry sauce is.
Do you know why cranberry sauce is so great to have with your heavy Thanksgiving meal?
It's because the sour and astringent tastes in cranberries help support your digestion through supporting production of bile, which is necessary to breakdown fats and proteins. Yippie!!
Add some ginger in for extra digestive benefit!
Here is a recipe, inspired by one from Joyful Belly, that is simple and yummy:
12 ounces cranberries
1 t. fresh ginger, grated
1/2 orange, juiced
1/4 teaspoon orange zest (use an organic orange for this)
2 Tablespoons coconut sugar
1/4 cup water
Mix all ingredients together and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down and simmer until it creates a jam. Mash the cranberries with a potato masher. Let cool and serve.
For more tips on thriving this holiday season, join me for my FREE "Holiday Thrival" workshop on November 28th, 11-11:45am EST. Replays are available until midnight because it will contain a very special offer for Cyber Monday. Don't miss out! Share with your friends too! Sign up HERE.
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