Garlic Elixer for Autumn Health
Oct 23, 2022
Making your own garlic elixir is a great way to support your health through the Autumn and Winter months. Here is one of my favorite recipes. Garlic elixir is supportive to the immune and digestive systems and is super tasty. Get your batch going now so it will be ready for the transition into winter.
Garlic Elixir Recipe (inspired by a recipe from Corinna Wood)
Makes: 1 pint
Prep time: 30 min + 6 weeks infusing time
5 oz garlic
1 cup apple cider vinegar (or another kind of vinegar)
1/4 cup raw honey
Break apart several heads of garlic into individual cloves (leaving the skins on is fine) and roughly chop with a knife or minimally chop in a food processor.
Fill a pint jar with chopped garlic, it should be approximately two-thirds full.
Mix together 3 parts vinegar to 1 part honey. If your honey is too thick to mix, warm it in a saucepan over low heat until it becomes liquidy thin.
Pour the honey-vinegar mixture over the garlic until the jar is full. Use a plastic lid or cover the mouth of the jar with wax paper before securing the lid (the vinegar tends to rust metal lids).
Tend your brew every couple of days for the first week, then once a week after that. Poke it with a spoon to release air bubbles, then top it off with vinegar.
After 6 weeks, strain out the garlic and enjoy!
This vinegar can be used in salad dressings, to put on cooked greens, or add to drinking water. There are so many ways we can support ourselves naturally. You can make amazing medicine to use as food this Autumn. Cheers!
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