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What your tongue can tell you age gracefully autumn ayurveda detox digestion gut health healing spring Feb 27, 2022

As Spring approaches, it's time for us to do Spring Cleaning. That doesn't just mean clearing out your closets and going through the paper piles that have accumulated in the corners of your home. It also means that it's time to clean out your body. Time for a seasonal detox!

How do...

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Eating in February - Love yourself! detox dosha dosha quiz vata winter Feb 13, 2022

"Sorry, there's no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story."

― Morgan Spurlock, "Don't Eat This Book"

As we round the bend into late winter (depending on where you live in the Northern Hemisphere) this is a great time to pay...

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Please! Don't DETOX in January! detox digestion natural flow vata Jan 09, 2022

You read that correctly: Please DO NOT Detox in January!

Even though popular culture is trying to push post-holiday juice cleanses, raw food detoxes, and fasting, please don't fall into the trap of believing that is the best way to feel better and support your health this time of year.


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I used to think that too... ayurveda detox mindset natural flow sleep Sep 12, 2021
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller
I used to think that I had to do everything myself. I used to think I had to prove how capable and strong I was by being extraordinarily independent and driven. If I wanted to create change, I had to rely on my own...
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Befriending Kapha ayurveda detox dosha kapha mindset natural flow spring Apr 04, 2021

When people first learn about living in alignment with the seasonal elements in Ayurveda, they are often curious about how they will personally be affected.

The elements in the environment during each season can either challenge or support us. They naturally encourage certain qualities (or ...

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Scrape Your Tongue!! ayurveda detox digestion imbalance inflammation self-care sleep Feb 05, 2017

Yup! You read it right! Scrape your tongue! It's not painful at all, it's cleansing to your whole system!

Have you ever noticed how when you wake up in the morning your tongue is coated with gunk? Have you noticed that when you are eating well and exercising, there is less gunk there to greet...

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