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Intuitive Eating ayurveda digestion gratitude mindset vitality circle weight loss May 16, 2021
During recent meetings with clients in the Vitality Circle, I have found the conversation guided to discussions about intuitive eating. I feel inspired to bring it to the larger conversation with you. 
What is intuitive eating? 
While this term is quite the buzz phrase...
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Butternut Bliss autumn cookbook digestion recipes Sep 29, 2019

Autumn brings root veggies and winter squashes to the table. As the evenings cool, eating soup for dinner is one of the best things you can do for your digestion and sleep.  
Soups are easy to digest because all the ingredients have been cooked together and are already partially broken down....

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When you get "Stopped Up!" Part 2: What to do... ayurveda digestion imbalance kapha meditation pitta stress summer vata yoga Jul 14, 2019

This is the second of a two part series on constipation. If you missed the first part about WHY you get stopped up, please check out the previous BLOG.

Constipation is one of the most widespread, chronic health issues facing people in the US. Although most folks don't like to talk about it, sales...

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When we get "Stopped UP!" Part 1: Why it happens ayurveda constipation digestion gut health imbalance stress summer travel tips vata Jul 07, 2019

I have received requests lately for more information about dealing with constipation. In today's blog we will dive into why constipation happens, and in part 2 I will provide easy-to-implement solutions.

Although WebMD states, "There is no right number of daily or weekly bowel movements," the...

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Travel Part 3: Movement ayurveda digestion energy pitta sleep summer vata yoga Jun 30, 2019

This is the third of a three-part series on the topic of traveling, since many of us will be traveling this summer. Part one was about Food and Digestion, Part two was about Sleep and Immunity.

Traveling is challenging for the body because it usually requires lots of sitting and sometime lots of...

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Travel Part 1: Food/Digestion constipation digestion herbs imbalance pitta seasonal wisdom vata Jun 16, 2019

Travel entails moving rapidly, via plane, train, boat, or automobile to another environment. This movement stirs up Vata (energies of Air and Ether elements). Even though it is Pitta (Fire element) season, if we are traveling we need to focus not only on balancing Pitta, but also on balancing...

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Summer Wisdom age gracefully ayurveda digestion energy natural flow pitta self-care summer Jun 09, 2019

Do you love or dread the heat? Do you tend to get more grumpy in the summer or feel more energized and alive? Do you notice skin issues, looser bowel movements or more acid indigestion this time of year? Do you take on big projects and feel more inspired, focused, and driven? These are all...

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How Stressed Are You? anxiety digestion imbalance mindset pitta self-care stress summer weight loss Jun 02, 2019

Do you have trouble sleeping, weight you cannot shed, digestive distress, depression, or anxiety? The average American spends $11,800 per year on treating stress. This is a staggering amount of money when we have tools to help us at our fingertips, most of them free. The tools are called...

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ELD: Earlier, Lighter Dinner age gracefully ayurveda digestion sleep Feb 03, 2019

Want better sleep, better digestion and easy weight loss? This is your ticket!

You may love to eat big, lavish meals with your friends and family in the later evening, at the time of day when you can finally relax. An Earlier, Lighter dinner may seem like the antithesis of living a good life....

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Scrape Your Tongue!! ayurveda detox digestion imbalance inflammation self-care sleep Feb 05, 2017

Yup! You read it right! Scrape your tongue! It's not painful at all, it's cleansing to your whole system!

Have you ever noticed how when you wake up in the morning your tongue is coated with gunk? Have you noticed that when you are eating well and exercising, there is less gunk there to greet...

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Wonderfully Warming Winter Tea digestion kapha pitta recipes self-care vata winter Jan 29, 2017

When the world around you is cold, warm up your body, digestive system and mind with this tea.

Wonderfully Warming Winter Tea BOOST YOUR AGNI (YOUR DIGESTIVE FIRE)

In a pot combine: 1 quart water 2 large slices of fresh ginger 6 cardamom pods 5 cloves pinch cayenne powder 1 t. dried licorice...

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