Mentoring From Your Future Self
Aug 11, 2019
Some of my biggest challenges in the work I do are helping people see that they are not stuck in the current reality of their lives, that change is possible, and a very different life is awaiting them if they are willing to make some changes. After working with me, many clients share comments about how they feel 10 years younger, their energy and vitality are better than they ever imagined, and they have reconnected with their zest for life.
"I wish I had experienced this shift in my life 55 years ago. Better late than never!" - Mary Yount, current member of the Vitality Circle.
If only our future selves could share words of wisdom to help us evolve, grow, and change in the ways we most need, we would be guided with reassurance and trust. Unfortunately, many people stay stuck in situations, physical states, and mind sets unnecessarily.
HERE is an amazing podcast with one of my mentors, Cate Stillman, where she addresses spending vs. investing when it comes to our health, and making decisions based on a future self we plan to evolve into. Give it a listen!
When you think forward to who you could be in the future, here are a few questions your future self wants answers to:
- What do you know you should be doing, but aren't doing for your health right now? (exercising, going to bed earlier, less social media, giving up alcohol or caffeine, eating more vegetables, etc).
- How would you like your sleep to be different?
- How would you like your energy levels to look?
- How would you like your digestion to feel?
- How do you want to feel in your mental and emotional worlds?
- What activities or professional leaps are you excited to undertake?
- How could your relationships be more authentic and supportive?
Reflect on your answers and see what you find. After doing this recently, I had some good insights.
My future self is speaking and presenting on Ayurveda at various workshops, gatherings, and stages around the country. You can help me realize this vision. I am looking for opportunities to speak to groups of women about nourishing self-care, simple daily tools for healing imbalances, and ageing gracefully. I am passionate about relieving suffering in our world.
Are you connected with a group that would love to have me speak either in person or via video conferencing? Do you know of organizations in your community that would delight in learning what I have to offer? Want to host a gathering in your living room?
Your future self could realize your health and wellness goals by joining the Autumn Vitality Circle. Spaces are filling up. There will never be a better time to focus on your health. You will wish you had started long ago, so why not start right now? Your future self will thank you!
Download the Doshic Clock so you can live in rhythm
for health and happiness.