Happy New Year! Stroll with me?
Jan 02, 2023
2023 is here! How did you choose to ring in the New Year?
The beginning of a year is a great opportunity to invite in a new perspective in by shifting your habits!
While I am not a big proponent of New Year's Resolutions (or staying up until midnight, lol) as a way to usher in the new year, I am a supporter of creating intentions for how you would like to show up differently in the year to come.
It's so fun when we give ourselves permission to evolve!
This entails putting habit triggers into place that will shift how you live, and running experiments until you get the results you desire. You get to decide how your energy and attention are focused. This creates your life - it's that simple!
To begin 2023, I am inviting you to the Stroll vs. Scroll New Year's Challenge.
Put a little enlivened shift in your daily routine and see what it inspires.
Here is how it works:
Every morning, January 1-7, you will wake up at least a little bit before sunrise and no matter the weather, go for a walk as the sun is rising. The walk can be as short as 5 minutes or as long as you want, but here's the thing, you cannot get on your phone before you leave your house, or while you are on your walk.
Many of us have patterns of missing the magical morning energy and starting the day intentionally because we get on our phones as soon as we get up in the morning. Our attention and energy gets usurped by drama and FOMO on social media, anxiety in the news, and stress with work. Then your day is framed and affected by that energy!
Let's start the New Year creating a powerful new pattern at the beginning of the day, which wires your whole physiology for more ease, presence, joy, creativity, and focus.
Connect with nature and the dawning of a magical new day. What becomes possible when you aren't drawn into a screen first thing?
Whatever the weather, prepare for it, and get out there.
I will make daily posts (on both FB and IG) that you can comment on (later in the day, after your stroll) to let me know what your daily experience is in the Stroll vs. Scroll experiment. I guarantee you will be happier, healthier, and inspired as we embark on this new year.
You've got this! You are totally going to love it! It's going to be awesome!
Happy New Year!
With love and light,
ps- Here is a New Year's gift for you. If you want to order through Banyan Botanicals, use this LINK and the code HANNAH for a one-time, 15% discount. Cheers!
pps- My 2023 Events page of in-person opportunities are now up on my website. Lots of amazing collaboration, community, and evolution await you within Heartfelt Wellbeing this year. Join me! I would love to meet you IRL!
Download the Doshic Clock so you can live in rhythm
for health and happiness.