This Moment For Humanity

ancestors ayurveda healing imbalance mindset reflection seasonal wisdom winter Jan 19, 2025

Take a moment before you continue reading and take a deep breath. Close your eyes and take another.

Can you feel this moment in humanity? So many people, from all walks of life, feel that we are on the cusp of a great shift in our collective reality and within our individual consciousness. It’s a hard emotion to explain; welling deeper than the craziness spoon-fed to us by the media or the uptick of intense global natural disasters; the rise and sudden influence of Ai in nearly everything we do, and the leaps in technology this implies. It’s hard to turn away from it all, we might miss something, and yet there is still this deep seated anticipation that some existential change is right up the road. 

This feeling that we’re on the precipice of a profound paradigm shift comes from the whispers of our grandmothers who have seen this before. Think of all the survivors, all the women who saw all the changes in the world that brought us to today, all who made it to at least childbearing age, all the stories, myths, and lessons handed down by the elders making sense of reality. Think of all the healers. The wisdom of those 400 or so generations since the last ice age is in your bones, as it is in mine. 

I believe our ancestors see that we are at a major fork in the road, one where we either abandon our humanity, or embrace it. One where we individually get to choose to pull the brakes on the rollercoaster we’ve unwittingly been riding and step off and decide to take a different approach to life. Right now, we still get to choose what we eat, what we listen to, what we watch. We still get to choose what we think, what we drink, the soap and cosmetics we use.

How do we spend our waking hours, when there’s so many bright lights, sirens, screens to scroll, and sweets?

There are so many ways to forget who we are, numb the pain of life, and inevitably wish we were somebody else. And, of course ‘they’ designed it this way, because if we don’t have constant and consistent external wants, 'they’ become irrelevant!

There is a saying among alternative health practitioners that there are “many paths to the top of the mountain.” This is a way to honor the legitimacy of other lineages of healing. I believe this wholeheartedly, and personally explore various healing modalities as I see fit.

However, Ayurveda constantly reminds me how beautiful and miraculous it is to be human. I often talk about Ayurveda as a personal manual that we were never given at birth, tailored to the unique body our souls inhabit. It’s so powerful and empowering to really know thyself. I share this knowledge and practical skills so that others can remember what it feels like to be human again; feel the good feels and shed the unnecessary baggage. 

At the root of Ayurveda, are 6 basic principles:

Buddhi: the innate and universal intelligence within all life that manifests and the perfect rhythms in nature

Prana: the intelligent and vitalizing life force that moves through all living things

Agni: the fire of digestion and transformation that allows food to sustain us and also experiences to inform us

Ojas: our essential, vitality sap that nourishes, strengthens, and gives endurance and longevity

Ama: toxins from undigested food or experiences (usually trauma) that affect our bodies, minds, and/or spirits

Prajna parada: denying our innate wisdom and experience which is the primary cause of disease

It’s easy to see that none of these are wholesomely promoted in our media, daily/seasonal rhythms, and standard diets. Perhaps its time to commune with others on a like-minded path and shift perspective towards authentic health and wellbeing.

Heartfelt Wellbeing has helped hundreds of women step off that frightening roller coaster and take charge of their lives again. A beautiful and unintended consequence of this powerful choice has been the ripple effect it has had on the families and friends of Vitality Circle members.

So with the unrelenting cacophony of distraction, temptation, and the existential dread of "what ifs" that might flood our thoughts, generations of grandmothers sit patiently behind us and hope that we hear them when they say, “Hush darling. Sit still for a moment. Remember who you are, not who they say you are. None of that noise is Love. You are Love. Remember that.” 

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