Looking back at 2021 and looking ahead
Jan 02, 2022
On New Year's Eve, David and I made lists of what we were most proud of in 2021. It was pretty awesome to see that amidst the changes inherent in our current world, we made amazing progress this year. I was very inspired to build a lot this year, spurred by the need for healing, community, and positivity in a time of constant change.
In 2021, I:
- Hired my first business manager
- Taught Spanish, Handwriting, and Ayurveda to grades 3-7 in our community homeschool cooperative, January - May
- Transitioned all of my programs onto a professional course platform
- Went back to school to earn my Ayurvedic Practitioner's certification
- Led 5 retreats - 1 in person in June, all others were online
- Led 4 Seasonal One Habit to Thrive Challenges
- Led 2 Detoxes
- Built Evolve (a 6 month program for busy women to learn Ayurveda and Mindset tools to create better health)
- Built Deeper Dive (a yearlong program for graduates of the Vitality Circle to continue their personal evolution in alignment with the 5 elements)
- Went through a rebranding process for all of Heartfelt Wellbeing
- Did 2 photo shoots
- Launched a new website
- Taught 196 yoga classes online, and a few in person
- Taught Yoga and Ayurveda at Floyd Yoga Jam
- Graduated 25 women from the Vitality Circle
- Made and fired 3 kiln loads of pottery
I look at this list and feel proud. Wow, what a year!
These things certainly haven't been accomplished without many very long days, some big learning curves, some failures, a few tears, celebrations, and a lot of support from many people.
My heart is filled with gratitude because I couldn't have done any of this on my own.
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