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Colder Weather = New Seasonal Palate autumn digestion imbalance natural flow Oct 03, 2021

“The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer. One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider.” - Jane Hirshfield

Can you feel the crisp tinge of the coming cold in the air? Are leaves crunching as you walk through the woods? Are you grabbing a sweater to put on in the...

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Equinox Invitations autumn ayurveda equinox gratitude natural flow Sep 26, 2021

Equal hours of light and darkness. We celebrate the balance of the season and ask all the unseen forces to bless us. For all that is bad, there is good. For that which is despair, there is hope. For the moments of pain, there are moments of love. For all that falls, there is the chance to rise...

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Is Mindfulness Impossible? gratitude meditation mindset reflect Sep 19, 2021

"Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience." - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Do you feel like mindfulness is impossible?

Is it an abstract concept that feels inaccessible?

Allow me to break it down for you: Mindfulness is the experience of being present and grateful for whatever the...

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I used to think that too... ayurveda detox mindset natural flow sleep Sep 12, 2021
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller
I used to think that I had to do everything myself. I used to think I had to prove how capable and strong I was by being extraordinarily independent and driven. If I wanted to create change, I had to rely on my own...
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What is Pitta Imbalance? (Lifestyle Cures) imbalance pitta summer Aug 29, 2021

"We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining - they just shine." - Dwight L. Moody

We have explored managing Pitta Imbalance with food. As a review, Pitta Dosha is comprised mainly of...

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Get outside! imbalance natural flow pitta reflect Aug 15, 2021

“Just being surrounded by bountiful nature rejuvenates and inspires us.“ – EO Wilson (Theory of Biophilia)

I spent the last 3 days backpacking with my bonus-daughter, Juniper.

I am pausing my pitta imbalance series to bring you encouragement to get outside because I so needed...

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What is Pitta imbalance? ayurveda digestion dosha imbalance mindset pitta summer Aug 08, 2021

“Of all the fires, love is the only inexhaustible one.” —Pablo Neruda

What are you in love with these days? Love brings peace and ease into our lives which can be a great antidote to the intensity of Summertime.

I have been loving sharing so much about Ayurveda and Mindset...

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Side Benefits vs. Side Effects age gracefully dosha quiz healing one habit to thrive purpose reflect sleep Aug 01, 2021

“The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.” -Shubhra Krishan

20 years!

That is how long I suffered with chronic allergies, insomnia, constipation, weight gain, and anxiety. And then I found Ayurveda.

Practicing this new-found...

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Does crossing your fingers prevent disease? age gracefully ayurveda healing one habit to thrive reflect vitality circle Jul 25, 2021
In my program the Vitality Circle, I frequently hear members say: "Why didn't we learn this stuff in elementary school?" or "I wish I knew this earlier in my life, it would have saved me a lot of time, misery, and money!" What these women are referring to is the wisdom of Ayurveda - what I like...
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Inner Air Conditioning, Anyone? ayurveda imbalance pitta summer yoga youtube Jul 11, 2021

Chilling out to soothe the soul, is highly recommended this time of year.

The fire element is predominant in our environment. Are you feeling the heat?

Have you ever wished you had a way to cool from the inside out?

Yogic wisdom can grant your wish!

Check out this link to learn a yogic...

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Declaration of Interdependence collaboration gratitude mindset reflect Jul 04, 2021

I wish you a happy 4th of July. May this inspire you...

 My Declaration of Interdependence by Deborah Fryer 

I declare myself free from stories that speak of lack in any way about myself or others. 

I am growing.

I am learning.

I am leaning into life. 

I declare myself free...

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Now that it is summer... mindset pitta purpose solstice summer Jun 27, 2021
I hope you enjoyed the Summer Solstice this past Monday and that you are inspired by the abundance of light that currently fills our days. As I deepen my studies of Yoga and Ayurveda, I am continually brought back to how the elements play such an important role, not just in what we eat but also...
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A Little Listen for Father's Day ayurveda gratitude purpose solstice summer yoga Jun 20, 2021

My father, artist and musician Rob Levin, has been a huge influence in my life. From yoga, natural health explorations, music, and art, he has been one of my greatest teachers.

I was recently interviewed on the amazing podcast Fain House Radio about my life from the perspective of being a...

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Summer Foods To Cool And Refresh digestion imbalance pitta recipes summer Jun 13, 2021

Are you feeling a shift in your food cravings lately? Perhaps your usual standby foods are feeling too heavy, salty, or spicy.

If you want to feel more excited by your summer plate, may I suggest some alternatives to what you are eating, balancing the heat and allowing your body to cool...

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Being off, so you can be ON! ayurveda healing mindset purpose reflect self-care stress Jun 06, 2021

I am packing up my sleeping bag, preparing breakfast and getting ready for my second day on the trail. My phone will be turned off and left at home for the entire weekend and my eyes will be taking a break from focusing on a computer screen.  

Evie, my inner efficiency/taskmaster voice is...

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