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Chilling out to soothe the soul, is highly recommended this time of year.
The fire element is predominant in our environment. Are you feeling the heat?
Have you ever wished you had a way to cool from the inside out?
Yogic wisdom can grant your wish!
Check out this link to learn a yogic...
I wish you a happy 4th of July. May this inspire you...
My Declaration of Interdependence by Deborah Fryer
I declare myself free from stories that speak of lack in any way about myself or others.
I am growing.
I am learning.
I am leaning into life.
I declare myself free...
My father, artist and musician Rob Levin, has been a huge influence in my life. From yoga, natural health explorations, music, and art, he has been one of my greatest teachers.
I was recently interviewed on the amazing podcast Fain House Radio about my life from the perspective of being a...
Are you feeling a shift in your food cravings lately? Perhaps your usual standby foods are feeling too heavy, salty, or spicy.
If you want to feel more excited by your summer plate, may I suggest some alternatives to what you are eating, balancing the heat and allowing your body to cool...
I am packing up my sleeping bag, preparing breakfast and getting ready for my second day on the trail. My phone will be turned off and left at home for the entire weekend and my eyes will be taking a break from focusing on a computer screen.
Evie, my inner efficiency/taskmaster voice is...
Happy Memorial Day weekend!
For many of us, this weekend marks the beginning of summer, time to relax and celebrate while honoring the ultimate sacrifice others have made in the name of our country. And... Holiday weekends tend to encourage behaviors that we later regret. You know...
Happy Mother's Day!
All of us ladies are mothering something at some point or another - a child, a pet, a dream, or a project.
And ... truth bomb: The energy of birth flows through us and can inspire or deplete us.
So ... How is your self-care lately?
I am hearing many...
When people first learn about living in alignment with the seasonal elements in Ayurveda, they are often curious about how they will personally be affected.
The elements in the environment during each season can either challenge or support us. They naturally encourage certain qualities (or ...
"The flavor of chickweed is pure spring vitality that tastes like green sunshine... it is plentiful, mild in flavor, and delicately succulent" - Katrina Blair The Wild Wisdom of Weeds
With the arrival of Spring, the earth is coming back to life and offering us nutrition and medicine.
We are shifting into longer days than nights starting NOW! This is a brief time of equal balance of night and day, dark and light. How do you balance these opposites within yourself?
Ayurveda is based on 10 pairs of opposites, called Gunas or qualities, that help us create balance. The awesome...
Your cells are talking to you!
Can you hear them? They are letting you know they want to clear out the gunk now that Winter is over.
"Wahoo! Spring cleaning time," they shout!
You may not listen because you have grown attached to your own GUNK! You've become used to feeling sluggish, tired,...
Love by May Sarton
Fragile as a spider's web Hanging in space
Between tall grasses,
It is torn again and again.
A passing dog
Or simply the wind can do it.
Several times a day I gather myself together
And spin it again.
Spiders are patient weavers....