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On this day when most of us embark on Daylight Savings Time, the beginning of a week that holds a historic election, and constant reminders of climate change are happening around the world, its hard to not take note of these changing and challenging times we live in.
Looking to Ayurveda and the...
How are you sleeping lately? It's been a challenge for many people I know - the changes in the landscape and all the loss in the Southeast mountains, the coming election, the wars in the Middle East, climate change, loss of loved ones... there is a lot to keep us up at night.
Yet, sleep is when...
This is a beautiful and heartbreaking piece written by my beloved partner, David Grimsley who has spent much of the past few weeks in the NC mountains after they were ravaged by Hurricane Helene:
Apocalypse is an interesting word. Despite the somatic feelings and dramatic bleak landscape imagery...
I get it! You are heartbroken by the tragedies and devastation currently experienced in the Southeastern US. You are a kind, empathetic, and caring person who is willing to do whatever it takes to help out.
The daily news of these climate disasters as well as the pending presidential...
It has been a long and strange week in the continued wake of Hurricane Helene. The new moon was this past Wednesday and it felt like a very ripe time for shifting the energy of shock and pain toward healing. Perhaps we can imagine an evolution of sorts in this time of dire needs and...
I wrote a different newsletter to send out this week, but I scraped it in the wake of Hurricane Helene. I have to be honest, my heart is breaking, and I know I am not alone.
The storm hit us hard in Floyd but we have emerged mostly unscathed, with a couple fallen trees and a little water leakage....
Happy Autumn Equinox! We had a wonderful Autumn Equinox retreat yesterday - so nourishing with Ayurveda, yoga, drawing, poetry, and community connection. Thanks to everyone who attended.
The actual Autumn Equinox arrives TODAY, Sunday, September 22, 2024. For those living in the Eastern...
It's Vata time of the year (Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere). Following the lead of the natural world, there is an invitation for internal awareness offered in this ethereal season of letting go.
Vata is comprised of the elements Air and Space, and it's during the Autumn when the dry,...
It's Labor Day weekend and I am teaching Ayurveda at Floyd Yoga Jam. It is a glorious weekend and I am so grateful to be welcomed back to this sweet gathering in my town.
I prepped a bunch of food before I left for this wonderful weekend of yoga, music, learning, and friends. Among the things I...
How is late summer going for you?
Life has been over-full since my return from India. It reminds me of the power of presence and surrender (ishvara pranadhana). From talking with friends and clients, I know I am not alone in needing gentle reminders to pause and savor the beauty of this time of...
All the food in the picture above is in season right now. How do I know this? I picked it out of my garden to make lunch - Yippie! Green beans, beets, swiss chard, and delicata squash. Seasonal nourishment at its best!
Do you feel the weather changing? The first hints of Autumn have arrived...
I am back home after an amazing time in India. I left on July 19th and returned just in time to hunker down at home with David for severe storms caused by hurricane Debby during the Lion's Gate Portal! Whew!
This trip to India was an opportunity to explore the natural essence of...
What is your opinion about these very nutritious roots? Some say they are magnificent. Others suggest they taste like dirt.
Regardless of your current opinion, I say try this wonderful summertime beet salad. It appeals to beet lovers and doubters alike.
Check out my cooking video on...
Today, I invite you to pause, close your eyes and listen as I read to you a poem.
Here is it if you want to read it too:
May you remember that you are whole by Emma Tait
May you walk softly between the rows
of the goals and hopes
dreams and experiences
that you have planted for yourself
May you...
The Summertime heat can create dryness in our bodies. Internal support for moisture, and a fiber boost for elimination, can be found in this simple dish. Serve this for breakfast or dessert.
Jar of Chia
Fill a 1 quart jar with water or coconut milk.
Leave an inch of room at the top.