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ELD: Earlier, Lighter Dinner age gracefully ayurveda digestion sleep Feb 03, 2019

Want better sleep, better digestion and easy weight loss? This is your ticket!

You may love to eat big, lavish meals with your friends and family in the later evening, at the time of day when you can finally relax. An Earlier, Lighter dinner may seem like the antithesis of living a good life....

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What's Your Constitution? ayurveda dosha dosha quiz kapha pitta vata vitality circle Jan 27, 2019

Understanding your unique combination of elements is the key to a healthier you!

Have you ever wished you had been given an "owner's manual" for your specific body and mind? I certainly have. My physical and mental patterns seemed like a mystery to me for a long time. I often felt like I was a...

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Cuba! ayurveda meditation self-care yoga Apr 16, 2017

Last week I was in Cuba. I went with my twin sister Molly, her husband, and their 10 year-old son. It was an incredible trip in many ways: we met amazing people, heard incredible stories, saw revamped old cars, we all got along, we enjoyed doing the same kinds of activities, we were grateful for...

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Scrape Your Tongue!! ayurveda detox digestion imbalance inflammation self-care sleep Feb 05, 2017

Yup! You read it right! Scrape your tongue! It's not painful at all, it's cleansing to your whole system!

Have you ever noticed how when you wake up in the morning your tongue is coated with gunk? Have you noticed that when you are eating well and exercising, there is less gunk there to greet...

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My First Blog Post- Get Oily With It! ayurveda purpose self-care vata winter yoga Jan 08, 2017

It's true; other than being a guest blogger on a friend's blog, I have never been a blogger. But today, January 9th, as I embark on 2017 goals to manifest my dreams, all that is about to change. I write blogs all the time in my head, but my new challenge is to put them out into the world. I will...

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