Caring For Your Eyes Through Ayurveda
Jun 05, 2022
Summer is here in the Northern Hemisphere and it is a powerful time to connect with the sense organ related to pitta dosha (fire/digestive energy): the eyes!
In Ayurveda, sensory organ self-care is one of the best tools we have for aging gracefully and keeping the nervous system in balance.
There are many simple things we can do to support the health of the eyes and connect with the power of vision, both literally and figuratively. In the video below, I share some practical tips and tricks about eye care using Ayurveda. Towards the end, I share the results of my most recent visit to the eye doctor too, with surprising results!
I recorded this video last week as part of my Tuesday Talks with Hannah series in my Heartfelt Yoga and Ayurveda Facebook group (and then put it on my Youtube channel).
I hope you enjoy it and gather some easy, effective, and inexpensive tips to help your eyes be happier and healthier.
Join me for the "Yoga, Creativity, and Ayurveda Women's Retreat". Come dive deep into self-care practices with me in-person. We will relax, practice yoga, explore creativity, and learn Ayurveda. Its all happening August 18-21 in the beautiful mountains of Boone, NC (Ayurvedic Spa treatments, cooking classes and pottery sessions available too). Yippie!!
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for health and happiness.