Let Your Love-Light SHINE!
Jun 20, 2023
It’s Father's Day!
I think it is so fitting that Father's Day falls right before the Summer Solstice, a day when we honor Father Sun as he shines his light on us for the longest period of time each year (in the northern hemisphere).
I invite you to feel the warmth and long days surrounding the Summer Solstice as loving support. In this light-filled time of the year, the masculine energy can provide encouragement toward reaching goals, learning new skills, and exploring new places. We can find healing in allowing the masculine to support the feminine in our lives as women.
My own father, Rob Levin, has been a very encouraging, loving presence in my life. One special part of our connection is that we have played music together for years. My dad took me to see lots of live music, often in small listening rooms, when I was growing up.
When I became a singer-songwriter, my dad was often the lead guitar player for my gigs and was recorded on both of my albums.
Raising kids is no small undertaking, and I know I have provided my share of challenges for my family, but I appreciate that I have a dad who supports my creative outlets, is willing and able to have conversations with emotional depth, and even does yoga with me online!
Happy Father’s Day to all those who are fathering in powerful ways that helps to heal and support both masculine and the feminine energies.
I am also sending Solstice blessings as we embrace the longest day of the year this Wednesday. We had a wonderful Summer Solstice online retreat yesterday. Thanks to all who joined us live for this special experience!
As we expand into this light-filled time of year, what are you embracing in your life?
With love and light,
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