3 tips for GREAT Thanksgiving digestion
Nov 21, 2021
Do you look forward to the feast of Thanksgiving, but know that you will likely feel less than stellar after the meal, either because you ate too much or things didn't sit well with you?
Since this Thanksgiving will likely be very different from past Thanksgivings due to the Covid pandemic, how about trying some other new practices!
Here are three, totally easy (if you have a good mindset about it) tips to support your digestion this holiday. Think of them as little experiments and just notice how you feel - you can try just one, or two, or all three.
1. Have your Thanksgiving feast for lunch instead of dinner. You've heard me preach it again and again: your body digests best when the solar energy is strongest and bile production is at its height! The middle of the day is the time to feast. If you wait until later in the evening, your digestive strength will be decreased and you will feel more burdened by the meal you just ate: sluggish, heavy, and uncomfortable. You will set yourself up for poor sleep and a groggy mood the next day, so just switch dinner and lunch and you will feel so much better!
2. Avoid snacking and instead drink hot lemon water or ginger tea between meals. This is a good guideline for everyday life in general, but especially on a feast day. The concept of Spanda (expansion and contraction = moving from full and empty before filling again) in the stomach is best heeded if you don't want to suffer with gas, bloating, or even heart burn. Snacking prior to the big meal will decrease your connection to your satiation and leave you feeling unfulfilled. You might keep snacking after the meal too. Drinking lemon water helps clear out your channels and ginger tea is a digestive aid. Feel free to combine the two for optimal effects.
3. Go for a walk before you eat. Getting the blood and breath flowing in your body will help you digest well AND it will help you make better choices about how much you want to eat. My family has a tradition of getting everything prepped, (turkey in the oven, table set, etc) and then going for a hike for a couple hours. When we return home, the house smells amazing, we have worked up an appetite, our senses are heightened, and the feast is ready for the finishing touches.
3. Go for a walk before you eat. Getting the blood and breath flowing in your body will help you digest well AND it will help you make better choices about how much you want to eat. My family has a tradition of getting everything prepped, (turkey in the oven, table set, etc) and then going for a hike for a couple hours. When we return home, the house smells amazing, we have worked up an appetite, our senses are heightened, and the feast is ready for the finishing touches.
After you experience the benefits of any of these practices, you might get curious about what else can change with simple shifts like these If you're curious about learning more of these life hacks over the next year, sign up for a Clarity Call with the link below.
Cheers to you on this holiday of gratitude! May we all navigate these challenging times with the highest good for all as our navigation device.
I am continually grateful for all of you who read, listen, and participate in what I offer. Happy Thanksgiving!
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