Run This Experiment!
May 21, 2024Do you get frustrated with issues like gas, bloating, energy dips in the afternoon, weight gain, inflammation, decreased immunity, or insomnia?
Here is something you can try: No Snacking!
Ayurveda teaches us that we need to honor the principle of Spanda (expansion and contraction) in order to stay healthy. Just like we honor the day and the night by being active during the day and sleeping at night, we want to honor the Spanda in our digestive system by eating full meals and then allowing time for the stomach to completely empty before putting more food into it.
When we eat more often than every 3-4 hours our digestive systems are working overtime and they are not happy. Inflammation becomes chronic and the digestive forces (agni) weaken and become disturbed. Experiencing gas, bloating, energy dips in the afternoon, weight gain, inflammation, decreased immunity, or insomnia are the body's way of tapping us on the shoulder and getting our attention to make some changes. If left unattended, these issues will progress and eventually manifest as disease.
Furthermore, snack foods tend to be foods that we really don't need in our life anyway - chips, crackers, cookies, candy, etc.
As we come into the time of year when fresh food is most abundant, focus on eating nourishing meals of mostly local, cooked vegetables and notice what changes. Delight in the seasonal abundance at meals and stop taxing your body in between.
It might feel like a mystery when you experience any of the unpleasant symptoms I listed above, but running the experiment of only eating 3 actual meals a day and not snacking, will reveal to you an easy way to heal these issues.
Habits can be challenging to shift (which is why Habit Implementation is part of my in-depth Ayurvedic program, the Vitality Circle).
Instead of snacking between meals, here are some things you might try: drink water or tea (warm soothes the digestive tract and supports healthy digestive fire), go for a walk, journal, or meditate for a few minutes.
Watch the video above if you haven't yet, and see if you are up to the challenge of supporting yourself in this way... I know you are!
Run the experiment and let me know how it goes!
Much love and light,
pps- Join me and other fabulous teachers at Whitetop Yoga Studio through their virtual membership option. It's only $30 per month! I teach a Wednesday morning seasonal flow class that is an hour and 15 minutes - longer practices than I do on facebook or YouTube. Sign up HERE.
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