"Fashionable" Headache Relief
Dec 11, 2022
Don't you think I look snazzy with this scarf wrapped around my head? I am getting ready for holiday parties. Just kidding!
Despite what you may think, I am not striving to become a trendsetter. Lol!
What I am actually doing in this picture is treating a headache.
Yes! That is right!
One of the easiest ways to treat a headache without taking any painkillers is to wrap a scarf tightly around your head. Make sure it goes across your forehead, and tie the knot tight.
The pressure from the scarf squeezing the outside of your head allows for the inside of your head to release pressure. It is wild how well it works.
Leave it on for an hour or two. You can even sleep with it on if you have a headache as you are going to sleep (which is why I like to tie the knot in the front).
Try this little tip out and see how it goes for you. Put this in your toolbox as the holidays draw near. And, make sure you stay hydrated, as dehydration is the primary cause of most headaches.
If your holiday prep and/or anxiety is leaving you with frequent headaches, grab a scarf first, take some deep breaths returning to your body. Notice what self-care you might be neglecting in hopes of "doing everything for everyone else." It doesn't have to be an either/or situation. Remember that Winter is the season of rest.
Learning Ayurveda (living in rhythm with the seasons and your individual constitution) is the best investment you could ever make in yourself.
Are you searching for a unique gift for yourself or a loved one? Consider giving the gift of an in-person retreat with me! My 2023 Events page is now up on my website. Lots of amazing collaboration, community, and evolution await you within Heartfelt Wellbeing next year. Join us!
With love and light,
ps- I am also leading an online Winter Solstice Retreat coming up next weekend. December 17, from 7am-3pm EST. I will host a lovely online retreat which includes Meditation, Yoga, Ayurveda, and Creative Practices. This is a great way to dive deeper into the wisdom of the Winter and connect to this community. All sessions are recorded and will be sent out to those who register. Join HERE.
ps- If you would like a little daily dose of breathwork support, join me on Instagram for my 90 second December Days of Ahhhh sessions.
Download the Doshic Clock so you can live in rhythm
for health and happiness.