Get outside!
Aug 15, 2021
“Just being surrounded by bountiful nature rejuvenates and inspires us.“ – EO Wilson (Theory of Biophilia)
I spent the last 3 days backpacking with my bonus-daughter, Juniper.
I am pausing my pitta imbalance series to bring you encouragement to get outside because I so needed time away from the computer.
If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I highly recommend some Vitamin N!
Nature balances, restores, and inspires. In the late summer, we can gift ourselves with connectivity with the earth. You may even be greeted with treats like wild blueberries, wild blackberries, and wild ponies (like were at Grayson Highlands State Park)!
Here is a great upcoming opportunity to be outside and do yoga!
Download the Doshic Clock so you can live in rhythm
for health and happiness.