Ancient Wisdom = Modern Travel Hacks

Jun 03, 2024

Happy June! Summer is almost here and that means travel is on the horizon for many of us.

Traveling can be super fun and inspiring AND it can knock you off kilter with digestion, sleep, and energy issues because it elevates Vata (the dosha comprised of air and space).

This means the cold, dry, light and rough qualities get elevated in our bodies and minds. It can really make us feel crummy, resulting in things like gas, bloating, constipation, anxiety, headaches, congestion, insomnia, and/or exhaustion. 

There are many simple things we can do to alleviate some of the most frustrating aspects of travel so we can enjoy our adventures even more

How about learning some Ayurvedic travel tips? 

I recorded the video above about travel tips a while back as part of my Tuesday Talks with Hannah series in my Heartfelt Yoga and Ayurveda Facebook group (and then put it on my Youtube channel).

There are so many helpful suggestions here - its great to watch this at the beginning of every Summer!

I hope you enjoy it and gather some easy, effective, and inexpensive ways to help your travels be happier and healthier.

Would you like to travel to study with me in person? You are in luck! I have a few options for in-person retreats during the second half of 2024. Don't miss out! Check out the options HERE!

Cheers to your safe, fun, and healthy travels this summer!

Much love and light,



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for health and happiness. 

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